Arduino Project in 5 Minutes

In the following Instructable, we’ll show you how you can make your next Arduino project in just 5 minutes.

It’s simple, easy and fun.

Step 1: Plan It!

1. Go to

2. Select the components in the screenshot, add a description and your email and click “Send”

3. Instantly receive schematic and code from

* Sometimes our emails go to “promotions” so make sure to check the different inboxes.

Step 2: Connect It!

1. Download the attachments from the email you received.

2. Unzip the folder.

3. Open the .FZZ file (If you don’t have Fritzing, you can download it here for free)

4. Move components around so you have a clear view of the connections.

5. Connect the different components to the breadboard.

Step 3: Code It!

1. Open the Firmware folder

2. Open the Firmware.ino file (if you don’t have Arduino installed, you can download it here for free)

3. Make changes to the code.

The original code will show the word: ON if an object is closer than 30 cm. from the sensor:

void loop ( )

if (ultrasonic.getCms () < 30 {




We decided that for this project, we want the seven segment display to show the distance from the sensor:

sevenSegment.write (ultraSonic.getCms() );

delay (250);

Step 4: Test It!

Now that everything is in place, you can test your project and see if it really works like it does on the video 🙂

If you have any trouble, you can always write to us >> or through our FB page

Step 5: Share It!

We would love to see how your project turned out.

Share it with us through our FB page and with the Makers’ community.

Source: Arduino Project in 5 Minutes

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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