Domotic Arduino

In this introduction I will show you a overview of this project whit Arduino Uno.  The purpose of this instructable is move a electric roller shutter by Arduino Uno. The prototype that I made is my first electronic project with Arduino and I hope this instructable and the solutions that I found are useful for your own Arduino’s and electronics projects. My aim was to transform a simple electric roller shutter in a domotic roller shutter; also, a possible development, could be a complex domotic system for a house: a central microcontroller (another Arduino) that control all electric roller shutters connected to it whit the possibility to create for example some scenes. This project is limited only to realize a prototype and after so many years I wanted to return to build electronic circuits.

Domotic arduino

– Move the roller shutter when push the button
– Stop the roller shutter when it is completely open or closed
– Stop the roller shutter when push the button up while it’s moving down
– Stop the roller shutter when push the button down while it’s moving up

Operation principle
Arduino counts the holes on the roller shutter with the infrared receiver; the infrared diode is positioned on the other side of the roller shutter. When the hole is aligned with them, Arduino increment or decrement a counter to determinate the position of the roller shutter. To connect the actuators and the sensor to Arduino I used two LAN cables (see last step)

Step 1: Scheme

To draw the scheme I used  Dia program. It is very simple to learn, available for Linux and Windows (also portable), and freeware. You can download it here The ne555 is configured as an astable multivibrator to generate a square wave with 38khertz frequency for the infrared diode. The infrared receiver is TSOP1138 with internal filter for 38 khertz frequency and the demodulated output signal can be directly connected to a microprocessor. For best safety of Arduino I connected the two Arduino’s output to two optoisolators (but this is not primary). Finally I made two actuators by two old 14v relays and few old components such as two 2N1711 transistors, two diodes and a 12v power supply.

Step 2: Software

Schematic Domotic arduino

I hope comments are exhaustive:

// costants:
const int sm = 2;             // moviment sensor
const int buttonPin_t3 = 5;      // button up
const int buttonPin_t2 = 4;      // button down
const int ledPin = 13;              // LED for check buttons
const int d1 = 11;         // motor UP
const int d0 = 12;     // motor DOWN

// variables
int ContatoreSensoreMovimento = 0;   // counter move sensor
int Contatore_t3_t2 = 0;
int RegistroOutputd1 = 0;
int RegistroOutputd0 = 0;

Major Components in Project


For more detail: Domotic Arduino


About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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