
Rotary Encoder Video Tutorial with Arduino Code

Rotary Encoder Video Tutorial with Arduino Code

Rotary Encoder Tutorial with Arduino Code int pulses, A_SIG=0, B_SIG=1; void setup(){ attachInterrupt(0, A_RISE, RISING); attachInterrupt(1, B_RISE, RISING); Serial.begin(115200); }//setup void loop(){ } void A_RISE(){ detachInterrupt(0); A_SIG=1; if(B_SIG==0) pulses++;//moving forward if(B_SIG==1) pulses–;//moving reverse Serial.println(pulses); attachInterrupt(0, A_FALL, FALLING); } void A_FALL(){ detachInterrupt(0); A_SIG=0; For more detail: Rotary Encoder Video Tutorial with Arduino Code

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New Rotary Encoder

New Rotary Encoder

The Company AMS AG has introduced the non-contact AS5601 Hall-based rotary magnetic position encoding chip. It works by sensing changes in the magnetic field components perpendicular to the surface of the chip and converts field changes into voltages to produce incremental A/B outputs and absolute position information that can be read over an I²C bus.

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LED Calculator with Rotary Quadrature Encoder

LED Calculator with Rotary Quadrature Encoder for Target System Voltage Selection using Arduino

I’m still working on the LED calculator (original idea and most recent work) — I’ve finally got ’round to adding a rotary encoder to set the target system voltage. Now you can turn the potentiometer to set the LED brightness, turn the rotary encoder to set what voltage will be used in the ultimate LED circuit, and

LED Calculator with Rotary Quadrature Encoder for Target System Voltage Selection using Arduino Read More »

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