
RoomMote Control the color and sockets of your Room using a Remote MSP430 and Energia

RoomMote- Control the color and sockets of your Room using a Remote, MSP430 and Energia

Buzz..Buzzzz..buzzzzzzzz .. That is how a lone mosquito irritates you in the middle of the night trying to convince you that his lullaby is helpful. Insignificant or not, But truly that is the underlying inspiration for this project. The Mosquito repellents have this obnoxious smell that I would not like to sleep in and these

RoomMote- Control the color and sockets of your Room using a Remote, MSP430 and Energia Read More »

Arduino Real time room temperature

Real-time room temperature on your Website using Arduino

This is how to push high resolution real-time data from Arduino-based temperature sensor to your web page without any server-side coding. Arduino is a great device for collecting, storing and transferring data from various sensors but there are times you need to make your data accessible from any place over the internet, like I did

Real-time room temperature on your Website using Arduino Read More »

Arduino Room Monitor circuit

Open Source Server Room Monitor using Arduino

This server room environmental monitoring system is a low cost high performance device with the same onboard features as commercial devices costing hundreds of dollars more. In addition to a low cost platform we will provide low cost sensors for many important devices to insure your equipment stays safe and sound. Full instructions are available

Open Source Server Room Monitor using Arduino Read More »

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