range finder

ARDUINO Laser 3D Tracking

ARDUINO Laser 3D Tracking or Range Finder

The idea of using triangulation for distance measurements is well known since Pythagorean time, when his brilliant formula become available for mathematicians. What is new in this design, is lasers power control via “blooming” effect of CMOS camera. Here this “negative” effect was put to work instead of ADC. No need high price “no-blooming” camera!

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Arduino Ultrasonic Range Finder

Ultrasonic Range Finder with an ATtiny85 using an Arduino

I’m here to show you how to use a HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Range Finder with an ATtiny85 as well as programming the ATtiny85 using the wonderful shield that randofo created. List of materials: ATtiny85 Programming Library Arduino Uno HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Range Finder and Library Jumper Wires Breadboard ATtiny85 Step 1: Program the Arduino Before you connect your shield to the Arduino

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