alarm clock

Building IllyClock

Building IllyClock – Arduino-based alarm clock in a coffee can using arduino

Updated Aug 4, 2011 A streamlined version is now described here. Beside the enclosure, the original feature of IllyClock is showing the time in colors: 3 hours before wake-up time, color changes from green to orange; 1 hour before wake-up, the time is shown in red. One can estimate how much sleep is left just by squinting

Building IllyClock – Arduino-based alarm clock in a coffee can using arduino Read More »

Sunrise Alarm Clock

LED Dawn / Sunrise Alarm Clock, Nightlight & Security Light – Arduino Compatible

As the nights gradually lengthened in autumn 2011, I discovered the joys of Arduino and thought that it would be a great way to implement something that I have wanted for a long while – a gentle way to wake up on a winter’s morning.  Sadly, it has taken me over a year to find

LED Dawn / Sunrise Alarm Clock, Nightlight & Security Light – Arduino Compatible Read More »

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