Random Sensor Project KY-027 Magic Light Cup Module

Sensor Description

The KY-027 Magic Light Cup module consists of two boards, each equipped with an LED and a mercury tilt switch. By utilizing PWM to control the LEDs on both modules, you can simulate the visual effect of light “magically” transferring between them when they are tilted, reminiscent of pouring water between cups, which inspired its name.

Alternatively, this pair can function as a tilt sensor. I am considering creating an enjoyable game with it. The objective would be to tilt the board until the LED brightness reaches a level between two predefined values, or for a more challenging game, precisely matches a single number (adjustable via code) to stop a buzzer.

If determining the LED brightness directly from the Light Cup Module proves too challenging during gameplay, brightness readings will be available on the Serial Monitor.


  1. Arduino UNO
  2. Breadboard Jumper Wire
  3. KY-027 Magic Light Cup Module
  4. Passive Buzzer


  • Step 1: Plugin the Magic Light Cup Module pair

Plugin the Magic Light Cup Module pair

  • Step 2: Connect GND Pin with GND rail & VCC Pin of Light Cup Module with 5V rail of Breadboard

Connect GND Pin with GND rail

  • Step 3: Connect Signal Pin with Digital Pin-7 of Arduino Uno

Connect Signal Pin with Digital Pin-7 of Arduino Uno

  • Step 4: Connect LED Pin of Light Cup Module with Digital Pin-5 of Arduino Uno

Connect LED Pin of Light Cup Module with Digital Pin-5 of Arduino Uno

  • Step 5: Repeat step 2 on the breadboard for the 2nd Light Cup Module

Repeat step 2 on the breadboard for the 2nd Light Cup Module

  • Step 6: Connect Signal Pin with Digital Pin-4 of Arduino Uno

Connect Signal Pin with Digital Pin-4 of Arduino Uno

  • Step 7: Connect LED Pin of Light Cup Module with Digital Pin-6 of Arduino Uno

Connect LED Pin of Light Cup Module with Digital Pin-6 of Arduino Uno

Code: test with what we have so far

int ledPinA = 5;

int switchPinA = 7;

int switchStateA = 0;

int ledPinB = 6;

int switchPinB = 4;

int switchStateB = 0;

int brightness   = 0;

void setup()


  pinMode(ledPinA, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(ledPinB, OUTPUT);  

  pinMode(switchPinA, INPUT);

  pinMode(switchPinB, INPUT);


void loop()


  switchStateA = digitalRead(switchPinA);

  if (switchStateA == HIGH && brightness != 255)


   brightness ++;


  switchStateB = digitalRead(switchPinB);

  if (switchStateB == HIGH && brightness != 0)


   brightness –;


  analogWrite(ledPinA, brightness);  //  A slow fade out

  analogWrite(ledPinB, 255 – brightness);  // B slow bright up



Step 8: Plug the passive buzzers in, connect the Buzzer (+) to Arduino Pin 2 and the Buzzer (-) to Arduino Pin GND

Plug the passive buzzers in

Step 9: When the brightness is not between 125 and 130, buzz

When the brightness is not between 125 and 130, buzz


int ledPinA = 5;

int switchPinA = 7;

int switchStateA = 0;

int ledPinB = 6;

int switchPinB = 4;

int switchStateB = 0;

int brightness   = 0;

int buzzerPin = 2;

void setup()


  Serial.begin (9600);

  pinMode(ledPinA, OUTPUT);

  pinMode(ledPinB, OUTPUT);  

  pinMode(switchPinA, INPUT);

  pinMode(switchPinB, INPUT);

  pinMode(buzzerPin, OUTPUT);


void loop()


  if (brightness <= 125 || brightness >= 130) {

    tone(buzzerPin, 100);


  else {



  switchStateA = digitalRead(switchPinA);

  if (switchStateA == HIGH && brightness != 255)


   brightness ++;


  switchStateB = digitalRead(switchPinB);

  if (switchStateB == HIGH && brightness != 0)


   brightness –;



  analogWrite(ledPinA, brightness);  //  A slow fade out

  analogWrite(ledPinB, 255 – brightness);  // B slow bright up



Follow this link for complete project: Random Sensor Project KY-027 Magic Light Cup Module

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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