Those of you that would like to get closer to nature by monitoring, photographing and recording your favourite animals, may be interested to know that the latest HackSpace magazine is packed with wildlife hacks to keep you busy through the summer months.
The July 2020 issue of the amazing HackSpace magazine is now available to purchase or download for free as a PDF, allowing you to Discover an Arduino-compatible watch, Find out what’s great about open source hardware, Fix circuits with an oscilloscope, Hack a furby and more.
“Nature is the ultimate maker, and this issue we’re looking at hacks that work with the natural world whether that’s to study it, help protect it, or just generally take in its beauty.”
“HackSpace magazine is the new monthly magazine for people who love to make things and those who want to learn. Grab some duct tape, fire up a microcontroller, ready a 3D printer and hack the world around you!”
Source: Hack nature with this month issue of HackSpace magazine