Cliff knobs – a pleasure to touch

A device with excellent specification, quality components used, …., but a one step is still missing to reach a great overall impression – it is to use a quality and aesthetic control components.

Probably you´ll agree, that knobs for potentiometers and encoders belong to a “group of critical components”, determining a resulting look of a device. Company Cliff specializes on development and production of these components already from 1977 and considerable experience are reflected in a precise construction and a wide portfolio of components produced.

Directly from our stock, we´re able to offer you a few interesting series:

K87MAR – plastic two-color knob with a colored top part and a side line. Available in 8 standard color versions. Thanks to a big popularity and a mass production, their price is very affordable. User friendly, soft – “rubber-feel” surface. Excellent for color coding of potentiometers groups in equipment with many knobs. 6mm „D“ shaft.

K87MBR – plastic two-color knob, very similar to series K87MAR, but only a side line is in color. Affordable price and a mild “rubber-feel” surface. 6mm splined shaft or 6 mm “D” shaft.

K18 – universal plastic knob for electronic encoders. Available in 5 colors and 3 weight categories. In our stock can be found 2 heavier versions (35 and 50g) in a grey and black color.

KMK – universal aluminium knob with a machined aluminium shell and a molded plastic inner. Available in a black or natural anodized surface. Push-on installation. In our stock can be found 4 versions with a 25 mm diameter – KMK25 in a black and silver (natural) color, with a 6mm splined as well as “D” shaft.

Types for splined arbors have 3 relatively robust juts (as visible on a Picture), that´s why they´re suitable only for potentiometers with deeper splines, or with a lower splin count. From our offer they´re suitable for example for Taiwan-Alpha potentiometers and they´re not suitable for potentiometers Piher series PC16.

Further information will provide you the K87MAR, K87MBR, K18 and KMK datasheets. Upon request, we´re able to deliver you more types from the portfolio of Cliff knobs.
In case of interest, please contact us at

For More Details: Cliff knobs – a pleasure to touch

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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