The Clamshell Stompbox

This is a DIY variable resistor I created as an interface for live performance– like a stomp box. I designed it as a project my audio students could build with materials we already have in the classroom.
The Clamshell Stompbox
The result is a variable resistor that can be triggered with just a little pressure from hands or feet. Resistance ranges from 0 to about 18k ohms, and it’s very sensitive to slight changes in pressure. (With no pressure, resistance is infinite.)

With an Arduino, the clamshell’s big jumps in resistance can work as an on/off switch– perfect for foot-powered control! Depending on the code, you can use it as a toggle switch or a momentary switch. And as a stompbox, it’s flat and quiet(unlike metal stompswitches).

Major Components in Project
clamshell CD case
adhesive-backed copper foil
hot glue
wire (22 AWG)
craft foam
plywood board (cardboard could also work)
10k resistor (approximately)
glue gun
box cutter
hole punch (or use the box cutter)
drill (optional)
soldering work station (soldering iron, helping hands, goggles, etc.)
test leads

Step 1: The Clamshell Variable Resistor

The Clamshell Variable Resistor

Two holes punched on the same side of the case provide an exit for two wire leads, and prevent the case from crushing the wires.
The wire leads are soldered to two identical flag-shaped pieces of copper foil stuck to the insides of the case (on opposite sides). When the case is closed, the “tails” of foil extend up opposite sides, not touching (very important).

(I didn’t take pictures while modifying the clamshell case so I’m hoping you can follow from the photos of the finished piece. I’ve included a suggested order of steps, later on.)


For more detail:  The Clamshell Stompbox


About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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