The NXP Flyback SMPS Design Tool helps you design flyback power supplies using NXPs TEA1721, TEA1723, TEA1733 and TEA1738 family. The TEA1721(A, B, D, F) family, the TEA1723(A, B, D, F) family, the TEA1733(A, B, C, M, L) family and TEA1738(F, G, L) family are low cost Switched Mode Power Supply (SMPS) controller IC’s intended for flyback topologies.
The latest update of the tool combines the TEA172x family and the TEA173x family into one tool. It comes along with a new style and an improved flow. Now it is also possible to export all design parameters, results and graphs automatically into an Excel sheet for post-processing or presentation purposes. Furthermore the database of transformer cores is extended.
- The tool guides you step-by-step through the calculation process in order to obtain all relevant design parameters with minimum time and effort.
- Once completed you will have a design overview, including the summary of the calculated design parameters, a picture of the transformer winding proposal, detailed schematics, and waveforms.
- The online tool calculates the complete schematics and a part list.
- Optionally the calculated BOM parts can directly be ordered at linked distributors.
- The tool also allows you to load and save designs as well as to share designs with other engineers.
For more detail: TEA1733-DST: Flyback SMPS Design Tool