This drawing will display RF power and SWR readings from any SWR bridge, such as the ‘monimatch’ type. Since this type of bridge, called ‘monimatch,’ varies with frequency, the meter needs to be adjusted for each bandwidth. My main focus was on VHF/UHF/SHF, so I had planned for 6m, 4m, 2m, 70 cm, 23cm, and 13cm bands, while also utilizing the ARDUINO readout for HF. If you plan on constructing your own HF or VHF bridge, you can find various designs online: I recommend taking a look at the information here, here , here and there !
The meter will operate in 3 modes:
display instantaneous power forward in Watt en dBm, display SWR
display PEP power forward (peak holding with decay)
display instantaneous power forward in Watt, display SWR, and emit ‘beeps’ corresponding to SWR value: low tone beeps at slow rate for low SWR, high tones at fast rate for high SWR. Very handy to tune an antenna when you can’t have your eyes on the meter while fiddling on the antenna!
When the band is switched, the screen shows the complete range of the power measurement. I bought a bridge from a local flea market that works well up to 2.4 GHz. It has power ranging from 1kW on the 6m band to 400mW on the 13cm band. Another option is to construct a directional coupler, numerous designs are available online. Using my coupler, it is entirely feasible to measure the WiFi access point output in the PEP power measurement mode. Adding some resistive voltage dividing to the network can increase the power range since the maximum input on ARDUINO is +5v. However, the identical power needs to provide identical voltage, whether in ‘forward’ or ‘reflected’ mode (when the coupler is reversed).
The meter is indented to be battery powered, therefore there is a circuit to control the LCD backlight (drawing a lot of current) and monitor the battery voltage.
Front panel of PWR & SWR meter. Left = power switch, middle = mode select push-button, right = band change push-button
Forward power is 23.3 W corresponding to +43.6 dBm
Below is the sketch or download it here . It was compiled with version 0022. Download the connection diagram (as pdf) here or a better schematic drawn by Vlado Z32AN here.
See the meter in action on YouTube
How to calibrate the power indication ?
If you use a non-frequency compensated directional coupler, the forward voltage (representing power) will vary with frequency. In a ‘monimatch’ configuration, the voltage will rise as the frequency increases, meaning that the meter will be more responsive at higher frequencies as long as it stays within its designated range. Arduino can only measure up to +5v of voltage, so if needed, a voltage divider should be included to limit the range, same for the REFL side, depending on frequency, power, and coupler.
To calibrate the sketch, follow the simple procedure below :
uncomment the calibration routine lines, this will show the VoltFWD value. Replace 2x the asterisks by a slash like below, and load the sketch in ARDUINO.
// This routine prints on LCD the FWD voltage measured.
// When no power applied, the FWD voltage displayed will be the diode voltage in mV
// To calculate the calibration factor, take the reading (including diode voltage)
// Uncomment this routine to enter calibration modelcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print(“VoltFWD= “);
lcd.print(VoltFWD, DEC);
delay(500);// /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
Use a well-known “reference power” for each desired band, and connect the coupler to a dummy load (SWR = 1:1). This will result in an output of VoltFWD, between 0 and 5000 (possibly slightly above 5000 due to the inclusion of the diode voltage drop) – presented in milliVolts. Ideally, aim for a readout between 2000 and 4000 (‘mid-scale) and adjust the reference power as needed. Assume we record 2500mV at 145MHz with 10w power, and make a note of this measurement.
repeat for each band
Now calculate – for each band – the calibration factor PowCALXX (XX= band), using the formula :
PowCal=(VoltFWD²/Power) / 1000 (where power is expressed in Watt)
In our case : PowCal = 2500 x 2500 / 10 / 1000 = 625
Enter this value in the sketch, for the respective bands.
#define PowCal2m (625) // 2m band
comment again the calibration routine, by replacing the two slashes by asterisks:
// This routine prints on LCD the FWD voltage measured.
// When no power applied, the FWD voltage displayed will be the diode voltage in mV
// To calculate the calibration factor, take the reading (including diode voltage)
// Uncomment this routine to enter calibration modelcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print(“VoltFWD= “);
lcd.print(VoltFWD, DEC);
delay(500);*/ /////////////////////////////////////////////////////
save the sketch, and reload into ARDUINO
Test the readout with the ‘reference power levels’ – DONE !
Remarks :
It is possible to determine power by rectifying a sample of the RF and measuring the voltage directly, instead of using the ‘FWD’ voltage over the coupler. This method should be less affected by frequency changes compared to the coupler method. It’s your job to incorporate this into your sketch… utilizing a different ARDUINO analog input pin. This could work on HF and VHF … but could present challenges on UHF and higher frequencies – so this method was not implemented in this project.
Depending on how your coupler is designed, you may need to “load it” in order for the output to be at ground level when there is no RF power applied. When using ARDUINO analog inputs, it’s important to note that they have a high impedance, leading to potential random readouts or ‘beep-beep’ sounds when stray voltage is detected. To prevent this issue, connect a 220k or 470k resistor from the FWD and REFL inputs to the ground. Naturally, all connections to the adapter need to be shielded and RF-decoupled correctly!
************************************************************** * POWER & SWR meter on 2×16 char LCD display * * By ON7EQ Aug 2011 * ************************************************************** The circuit: * LCD RS pin to digital pin 7 * LCD Enable pin to digital pin 8 * LCD D4 pin to digital pin 9 * LCD D5 pin to digital pin 10 * LCD D6 pin to digital pin 11 * LCD D7 pin to digital pin 12 * LCD R/W pin to ground * GND to LCD VO pin (pin 3) (contrast) * pin 13 = LCD backlight control (1= backlight ON). Use an emittor follower (like BC639) to control LCD backlight (this draws about 120mA) * pin 4 = connect a piezo buzzer (other end to ground) * pin A0 : SWR probe FWD voltage input (SWR bridge type ‘MONIMATCH’) * pin A1 : SWR probe REFL voltage input ! Set the diode forward voltage in variable ‘Diode’. For 1SS99 or other Schottky diodes, it is around 130mV @ 0,1mA * pin A5 : Power Supply Voltage input MODE SELECT : there are 2 possibilities to select mode : ——————————————————– 1° with 3 position toggle switch: * pin Digital 2 : ‘bip’ Sound Switch : when grounded -> SWR ‘bip’ tone mode * pin Digital 3 : PEP mode Switch : when grounded -> PEP mode When switch in center position : normal power/swr mode, instant power & dBm readout When using a center toggle switch, Pin 5 must be connected to +5v If a 3-way toggle switch is present, it will be automatically detected and the variable ‘PushButton’ set accordingly. 2° with push button for cyling modes: * pin Digital 5 : Mode push button : when grounded (pulse), next mode is selected
When using a push button, Pins 2 and 3 must be connected to +5v ! ! the mode is stored in EEPROM & memorized for next boot BAND SELECT : ------------- It can be necessary to apply different parameters / calibration factors per band. * pin Digital 6 : BAND push button : when grounded (pulse), next band is selected ! the band is stored in EEPROM & memorized for next boot */ // include the LCD library code: #include <LiquidCrystal.h> // include math functions #include "math.h" // include EEPROM write #include <EEPROM.h> // variables #define TonePin (4) // Pin for beeper #define ToneSwitch (2) // one end of 3 way toggle switch #define PEPswitch (3) // the other end of 3 way toggle switch #define ModeSwitch (5) // push button switch (no 3 way toggle switch) #define BANDSwitch (6) // push button switch band change #define LCDbacklight (13) // output to power the LCD backlight #define VoltSupplyMini (66) // minimum battery voltage expressed in 100mV (if lower, alarm is generated) // // for µ7805, minimum 7v required // voltage divider at A5 - select proper values so that voltage never exceeds 5v on A5 ! // With R1 = 1k2 and R2 = 4k7, max input voltage = 25v #define R1 (12) // from GND to A5, express in 100R (12 = 1200 Ohm) #define R2 (47) // from + power supply to A5, express in 100R (47 = 4700 Ohm) // calibration variables for forward power : // PowCal=(VoltFWD²/Power) / 1000 (where Power = Power over 50 Ohm in Watt) // Carry out calibration with sufficient power ! #define PowCalHF (100) // HF band #define PowCal6m (21) // 6m band #define PowCal4m (30) // 4m band --> pmax @ 5000mV = 833 W (as example) #define PowCal2m (117) // 2m band #define PowCal70 (57) // 70cm band #define PowCal23 (3165) // 23cm band #define PowCal13 (64800) // 13cm band char* myStrings[]={" HF ", " 6m ", " 4m "," 2m ", " 70cm"," 23cm"," 13cm"}; /////////////////////// 3 way-mode switch or pushbutton ? /////////////////////////////////// int PushButton = (1); // 1 = Pushbutton / 0 = toggle switch // there is an automatic detection in the display subroutine //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // modes byte PEP = (1); // 0 if PEP measured byte Tone = (1); // 0 if tone SWR tune (bip) byte MODE = (0); // Mode 0 = instant power / Mode 1 = PEP / Mode 2 = Bip byte BAND =(0); // BAND 0 = HF / 1 = 6m / 2 = 4m / 3 = 2m / 4 = 70cm / 5 = 23cm / 6 = 13cm unsigned long DisplayTime = 0; // timer display refresh unsigned long PeakTime = 0; // timer peak (PEP) detect unsigned long BacklightTime = 0; // backlight LCD hold time unsigned long BandTime = 0; // band display hold time float VoltFWD = 0; float VoltFWDmax = 0; float VoltPEP = 0; float VoltREF = 0; unsigned int Diode = 130; // diode forward voltage, expressed in mV unsigned int PowCal = 103 ; // calibration factor for power: PowCal=(VoltFWD²/Power)*1000 unsigned long PWR = 0; // power (expressed in 100 mW) unsigned int PowDis = 0; // power for display float SWR = 0; // SWR float Vratio = 0; // Voltage ratio VoltREF/VoltFWD int SWRDis = 0; // power calculation for showing in display int VoltFWDmini = 0; unsigned long PWRmax = 0; // the maximum power range, band dependant int beeponce = (0); // emit only 1 beep for modechange int beepband = (0); // emit only 1 beep for bandchange int SWRtonePitch = (800); // low lone = low SWR int SWRtoneLenght = (100); // long tone = low SWR int debugled = (0); // LED at pin13 = debug int decay = (0); // PEP decay rate unsigned int SupplyVoltage = (0); // Power supply voltage byte RunOnce =(1); // detect wether in SETUP or LOOP mode byte DisplayCycle = (0); // counts the cycles in display mode (for low volt alert) // initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12); // ************************************************************* // ******************** S E T U P ************************ // *************************************************************void setup() { //setup pins pinMode(LCDbacklight, OUTPUT); //Backlight LCD display pinMode(PEPswitch, INPUT); // if grounded --> 'PEP' mode pinMode(ToneSwitch, INPUT); // if grounded --> 'Bip' mode pinMode(ModeSwitch, INPUT); // if grounded --> cycle through modes pinMode(BANDSwitch, INPUT); // if grounded --> cycle through bands // set up the LCD's number of columns and rows: lcd.begin(16, 2); // READ mode from EEPROM & set parameters MODE =; if (MODE == 0) { // normal instant power & SWR Tone = 1; PEP = 1; } if (MODE == 1) { // Tone tune SWR Tone = 1; PEP = 0; } if (MODE == 2) { // PEP power Tone = 0; PEP = 1; } // READ band from EEPROM BAND =; if (BAND == 0) { BAND = 3; // No HF for time being, default = 2m PowCal = PowCalHF;} if (BAND == 1) { PowCal = PowCal6m;} if (BAND == 2) { PowCal = PowCal4m;} if (BAND == 3) { PowCal = PowCal2m;} if (BAND == 4) { PowCal = PowCal70;} if (BAND == 5) { PowCal = PowCal23;} if (BAND == 6) { PowCal = PowCal13;} // calculate max range for this band double PWRmax = pow((5000 + Diode),2) ; PWRmax = PWRmax / PowCal / 1000; // calculate minimum power for 'SWR < 1.5' indication threshold // SWR = 1.5 means PWRref / PWRFwd = 0.2 // this means that VoltFWD = diode voltage / SQRT (0.2) // for threshold SWR = 3 : replace 0.45 by SQRT (0.5) = 0.71 VoltFWDmini = (Diode / 0.45); VoltFWDmini = 2* VoltFWDmini; // safety factor, required in practice
// Print a message to the LCD.
digitalWrite(LCDbacklight,1) ; // turn backlight on
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print(“Pwr & SWR Meter”);
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(” 6m – 13cm “);
pinMode(TonePin, OUTPUT);
delay (150);
delay (150);
noTone (TonePin);
delay (2000);
// lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
// lcd.print(“by ON7EQ 08/2011”);
// delay (2000);
//Power SupplyVoltage measure & display
measuresupplyvolt ();
delay (1500);
// print max power
lcd.setCursor(2, 0);
lcd.print(“QRV on”);
lcd.print( myStrings[BAND]);
lcd.setCursor(2, 1);
lcd.print(“Pmax = “);
// if > 1kw, 1kW is enough :o)
if (PWRmax >= 1000) {
lcd.print(” 1 kW “); }
else {
if (PWRmax < 1) {
PowDis = PWRmax * 1000;
if (PowDis > 100) { //round PowDis up to ten
PowDis = PowDis / 10;
PowDis = PowDis * 10;
// if (PowDis < 100) {
// lcd.print(” “);
// }
// if (PowDis< 10) {
// lcd.print(” “);
// }
lcd.print((PowDis), DEC);
lcd.print(“mW “);
else {
PowDis = PWRmax ;
//format PowDis
if (PowDis > 100) { //round PowDis up to ten
PowDis = PowDis / 10;
PowDis = PowDis * 10;
// if (PowDis < 100) {
// lcd.print(” “);
// }
// if (PowDis< 10) {
// lcd.print(” “);
// }
lcd.print((PowDis), DEC);
lcd.print(“w “);
delay (4000);
// set timers
DisplayTime = millis ();
BacklightTime = millis ();
} // end of setup
// *************************************************************
// *********************** L O O P ************************
// *************************************************************
void loop() {
RunOnce = 0; // Now we are in loop
// Check if mode to be cycled
if (digitalRead (ModeSwitch) == 0) { // Mode cycle pushbutton depressed
digitalWrite(LCDbacklight, 1) ; // turn backlight on
BacklightTime = millis (); //reset timer to light LCD
if (beeponce == 0 ) {
delay (100);
beeponce = 1;
delay (20);
delay (50); // give tone & debounce
noTone (TonePin);
if (digitalRead (ModeSwitch) == 1) { // released
beeponce = 0;
MODE = MODE + 1;
if (MODE >= 3) MODE = 0;
EEPROM.write(1,MODE); // store new mode permanently
if (MODE == 0) { // normal instant power & SWR
Tone = 1;
PEP = 1; }
if (MODE == 1) { // Tone tune SWR
Tone = 1;
PEP = 0; }
if (MODE == 2) { // PEP power
Tone = 0;
PEP = 1;
VoltFWDmax = (0);
PeakTime = millis (); }
// Check if band to be cycled
if (digitalRead (BANDSwitch) == 0) { // BAND cycle pushbutton depressed
digitalWrite(LCDbacklight, 1) ; // turn backlight on
BacklightTime = millis (); //reset timer to light LCD
if (beepband == 0 ) {
delay (100);
beepband = 1;
delay (50);
delay (50); // give tone & debounce
noTone (TonePin);
if (digitalRead (BANDSwitch) == 1) { // released
beepband = 0;
BAND = BAND + 1;
if (BAND >= 7) BAND = 1; // set 0 if HF is enabled !
EEPROM.write(2,BAND); // store new mode permanently
if (BAND == 0) { //set proper calibration constants
PowCal = PowCalHF;}
if (BAND == 1) {
PowCal = PowCal6m;}
if (BAND == 2) {
PowCal = PowCal4m;}
if (BAND == 3) {
PowCal = PowCal2m;}
if (BAND == 4) {
PowCal = PowCal70;}
if (BAND == 5) {
PowCal = PowCal23;}
if (BAND == 6) {
PowCal = PowCal13;}
//show band
lcd.setCursor(11, 1);
lcd.print( myStrings[BAND]);
//show Pmax for this band
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print(“Pmax = “);
// calculate max range for this band
double PWRmax = pow((5000 + Diode),2) ;
PWRmax = PWRmax / PowCal / 1000;
// if > 1kw, 1kW is enough :o)
if (PWRmax >= 1000) {
lcd.print(” 1 kW “); }
else {
if (PWRmax < 1) {
PowDis = PWRmax * 1000;
if (PowDis > 100) { //round PowDis up to ten
PowDis = PowDis / 10;
PowDis = PowDis * 10;
// if (PowDis < 100) {
// lcd.print(” “);
// }
// if (PowDis< 10) {
// lcd.print(” “);
// }
lcd.print((PowDis), DEC);
lcd.print(“mW “);
else {
PowDis = PWRmax ;
//format PowDis
if (PowDis > 100) { //round PowDis up to ten
PowDis = PowDis / 10;
PowDis = PowDis * 10;
// if (PowDis < 100) {
// lcd.print(” “);
// }
// if (PowDis< 10) {
// lcd.print(” “);
// }
lcd.print((PowDis), DEC);
lcd.print(“w “);
BandTime = millis(); // reset display timer for bandchange display
// delay (1000);
// read sensors
if (PushButton == 0) { // Read 3 way switch
Tone = digitalRead (ToneSwitch); // read tone button
PEP = digitalRead (PEPswitch); // read PEP button
VoltFWD = analogRead(A0); // Read FWD sensor voltage
VoltREF = analogRead(A1); // Read REFL sensor voltage
// PEP detect
if (VoltFWD > VoltFWDmax) {
VoltFWDmax = VoltFWD;
PeakTime = millis ();
decay = 1;
// decay
else if ((millis() – PeakTime) > 400) { // 400 = PEP Peak hold time
VoltFWDmax = VoltFWDmax / (decay + 0.3);
PeakTime = millis ();
decay = decay + 1; //decay
// LCD refresh if no tone mode
if (((millis() – DisplayTime) > 200) and (Tone == 1)){ //200 = display refresh rate in PEP & dBm mode
DisplayTime = millis ();
if (Tone == 0) { // in tone mode, refresh triggered by tone
decay = 0;
// =========================================================
// ************ Refresh LCD display Routine ****************
// =========================================================
void refreshdisplay () {
// check for low battery
DisplayCycle = DisplayCycle ++ ;
if (DisplayCycle >= 50) { // every 50 display cycles, check battery voltage
DisplayCycle = (0);
measuresupplyvolt ();
// check if band change and display to hold
if (((millis() – BandTime) < 3000)) return; // show band change parameters
// Check if toggle switch for mode is present, default is push button
if ((digitalRead (ToneSwitch) == 0) or digitalRead (PEPswitch) == 0) {
PushButton = (0); // toggle switch is present
// LCD Backlight
if (VoltFWD>0) {
digitalWrite(LCDbacklight,1) ; // turn backlight on
BacklightTime = millis (); //set timer
else if (((millis() – BacklightTime) > 8000)) { // 8 seconds backlight
digitalWrite(LCDbacklight, 0) ; // turn backlight off
// Overrange detect
if ((VoltFWD>1022) and (digitalRead (ModeSwitch) == 1) ) {
lcd.setCursor(1, 0);
lcd.print(“- Overrange -“);
lcd.setCursor(2, 1);
lcd.print(“Pmax = “);
// calculate max range for this band
double PWRmax = pow((5000 + Diode),2) ;
PWRmax = PWRmax / PowCal / 1000;
// if P > 1kw, 1kW is enough :o)
if (PWRmax >= 1000) {
lcd.print(” 1 kW “); }
else {
if (PWRmax < 1) { // We are measuring milliwatts
PowDis = PWRmax * 1000;
if (PowDis > 100) { //round PowDis up to ten
PowDis = PowDis / 10;
PowDis = PowDis * 10;
if (PowDis < 100) {
lcd.print(” “);
if (PowDis< 10) {
lcd.print(” “);
lcd.print((PowDis), DEC);
lcd.print(” mW “);
else {
PowDis = PWRmax ; // We are measuring watts
//format PowDis
if (PowDis > 100) { //round PowDis up to ten
PowDis = PowDis / 10;
PowDis = PowDis * 10;
if (PowDis < 100) {
lcd.print(” “);
if (PowDis< 10) {
lcd.print(” “);
lcd.print((PowDis), DEC);
lcd.print(” w “);
delay (200) ;
if (digitalRead (ModeSwitch) == 1) delay (2000) ;
// process FWD voltage
VoltFWD = map(VoltFWD, 0,1023,0,5000);
VoltFWD = (VoltFWD + Diode); //correct for diode voltage drop
//process REF
VoltREF = map(VoltREF, 0,1023,0,5000);
VoltREF = (VoltREF + Diode); //correct for diode voltage drop
// POWER Display
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print(“Pwr “);
// This routine prints on LCD the FWD voltage measured.
// When no power applied, the FWD voltage displayed will be the diode voltage in mV
// To calculate the calibration factor, take the reading (including diode voltage)
// Uncomment this routine to enter calibration mode
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print(“VoltFWD= “);
lcd.print(VoltFWD, DEC);
*/ //////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//calcultate Power Max, we will need it later
double PWRmax = pow((5000 + Diode),2) ;
PWRmax = PWRmax / PowCal / 1000;
if (PEP == 1) { // Instant POWER MODE
double PWR = pow(VoltFWD,2) ;
PWR= PWR / PowCal / 1000;
if (VoltFWD<(Diode+2)) {
PWR = 0;
if (PWRmax < 1) { // milliwatt readout
PowDis = PWR * 1000;
if (PowDis < 100) {
lcd.print(” “);
if (PowDis < 10) {
lcd.print(” “);
lcd.print((PowDis), DEC);
lcd.print(” mW “);
if ((PWR > 0) & (Tone == 1)) {
if ((10*log10(PWR*1000)) >= 0) {lcd.print(“+”);} // + dBm
lcd.print(10*log10(PWR*1000)); // dBm calculation
else if (Tone == 1) {
if (Tone == 0) lcd.print(“(Bip)”);
else {
PowDis = PWR * 10;
if (PowDis/10 < 100) {
lcd.print(” “);
if (PowDis/10 < 10) {
lcd.print(” “);
lcd.print((PowDis/10), DEC);lcd.print(“.”);
lcd.print((PowDis)%10, DEC);
lcd.print(“w “);
if ((PWR > 0) & (Tone == 1)) {
if ((10*log10(PWR*1000)) >= 0) {lcd.print(“+”);} // + dBm
lcd.print(10*log10(PWR*1000)); // dBm calculation
else if (Tone == 1) {
if (Tone == 0) lcd.print(“(Bip)”);
else if (PEP == 0) { // PEP POWER MODE
Tone == 1; // Reset Tone mode
VoltPEP = map(VoltFWDmax, 0,1023,0,5000);
VoltPEP = (VoltPEP + Diode); //correct for diode voltage
double PWR = pow(VoltPEP,2) ;
PWR= PWR / PowCal / 1000;
if (VoltPEP<(Diode+2)) {
PWR = 0;
if (PWRmax < 1) { //milliwatt readout
PowDis = PWR * 1000;
if (PowDis < 100) {
lcd.print(” “);
if (PowDis < 10) {
lcd.print(” “);
lcd.print((PowDis), DEC);
lcd.print(” mW (PEP)”);
else {
PowDis = PWR * 10;
if (PowDis/10 < 100) {
lcd.print(” “);
if (PowDis/10 < 10) {
lcd.print(” “);
lcd.print((PowDis/10), DEC);lcd.print(“.”);
lcd.print((PowDis)%10, DEC);
lcd.print(“w (PEP)”);
// SWR Display
// print the band
lcd.setCursor(11, 1);
lcd.print( myStrings[BAND]);
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(“SWR “);
if ((VoltFWD <= (Diode+2)) or (PEP == 0)) { // No power = no SWR to detect
lcd.print(” -.- “);
else if ( (VoltFWD > (Diode+1)) & (VoltFWD < (VoltFWDmini)) & (VoltREF <= (Diode+1))){ // at low power no SWR display or < 1.5
lcd.print(“<1.5 “);
else {
Vratio = VoltREF / VoltFWD;
// Check ROUTINE
//lcd.print(VoltREF, DEC); // DEBUG
//lcd.print(Vratio, DEC); // DEBUG
SWR = ((1 + Vratio)/ (1 – Vratio));
if ((SWR > 3.1) & (PEP == 1)) {
lcd.print(” > 3 “);
delay (60);
else {
SWRDis = SWR * 10;
if (SWRDis < 10){ // SWR cannot be lower than 1.0
SWRDis = 10 ;
if (SWRDis/10 < 10) {
lcd.print(” “);
lcd.print((SWRDis/10), DEC);lcd.print(“.”);
lcd.print((SWRDis)%10, DEC);
lcd.print(” “);
/// SWR ‘Bip’ MODE
if ((Tone == 0) and (digitalRead (ModeSwitch) == 1)) {
SWRtonePitch = map((SWRDis*SWRDis),100,900,300,2200);
SWRtoneLenght = map((SWRDis*SWRDis),100,900,300,60);
delay (SWRtoneLenght);
if ((Tone == 0) and (digitalRead (ModeSwitch) == 1)){
delay (SWRtoneLenght/3); // leave silence between SWR beeps, only if no mode change required
void clearline0 () { // subroutine clear top line display
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print(” “);
void clearline1 () { // subroutine clear bottom line display
lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
lcd.print(” “);
void measuresupplyvolt () { // Power SupplyVoltage measure
SupplyVoltage = analogRead(A5); // Read power supply voltage
SupplyVoltage = map(SupplyVoltage, 0,1023,0,(50*(R2+R1)/R1));
if (SupplyVoltage <= 50) return; // not running on batteries !
if (SupplyVoltage >= 84) SupplyVoltage=SupplyVoltage+6 ; // running on ext power, correct for diode voltage drop 0.6v
// print power supply voltage if startup or low battery condition
if ((RunOnce == 1) or (SupplyVoltage <= VoltSupplyMini)) {
lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
lcd.print(“Batt Volt=”);
if (SupplyVoltage < 100) {
lcd.print(” “);
if (SupplyVoltage < 10) {
lcd.print(” “);
lcd.print((SupplyVoltage/10), DEC);
lcd.print((SupplyVoltage)%10, DEC);
if (SupplyVoltage <= VoltSupplyMini) {
lcd.setCursor(2, 1);
lcd.print(“LOW BATTERY !”);
delay (1500);
Source: ARDUINO RF power & SWR meter