The miniSpartan3 is our new, low cost, tiny, FPGA kit. It starts at just $29, and there is a more powerful FPGA chip available for $39.
- The Spartan 3A XC3A50 FPGA ($29), or the Spartan 3A XC3A200 FPGA ($39) from Xilinx.
- An on-board USB JTAG Programmer to power and program your FPGA.
- An on board USB to Serial Interface.
- One HDMI output port.
- 41 digital I/O pins.
- A 4-channel analog to digital converter running at 200 KSPS with 8 bit resolution.
- 4 Mbit SPI Flash.
- 32Mhz oscillator.
- 3 LEDs for debugging.
- 2 DIP switches.
- 1.6 inches wide
- 2.5 inches long
For More Details: miniSpartan3