in this project i want to show and explain you a range sensor with ultrasonic and a 20×04 lcd screen. I wrote the code for this project myself and added lots of comments, so that everybody can understand it and use it for other projects (maybe a light range sensor?!). It is easy to build and much more easier to program, it just requires a few cheap parts and can run on battery, for a portable rangefinder.
The maximum rated range is 500 cm, the range is measured 20 times per seccond. It is Displayed on a lcd screen which is 20×4 chars big, it has a custom start message, and it can have a custom design while measuring. It will have a backlight LED and can run on every arduino, which has I²C communication. That mean you can run it on an Arduino nano, which is very small. It also requires 5V so it has to be a 5V version of an Arduino.
Step 1: What do you need & Tools
We dont need much things, the parts should be less then 15$ (without arduino, with arduino may 25-35$):
Arduino (5-55$) , http://tinyurl.com/pk2wdt3
Ultrasonic sensor (2$), HC-SR04 , http://tinyurl.com/d3ss7tl
A 20×4 Display (6$) , http://tinyurl.com/pbk35ry
A IIC/I2C/TWI/SPI Serial Interface Board Module (2$) , http://tinyurl.com/nl2tr2k
Some wires
a Breadboard
A USB cable
Arduino , www.Arduino.cc
wire.h library (should be with the Arduino software)
LiquidCrystal_I2C.h library for the Display
NewPing.h library for the sensor
what are tools? D:
(no tools needed, yay)
a Case…
For more detail: Arduino ultrasonic range finder