
Arduino controlled webcam panner

Arduino controlled webcam panner

This is an instructable to show how to mount a webcam on a servo in a meccano frame and controlling it via an Arduino board. For a while now I was looking to do something more than blinking LEDs with my Arduino. This idea came to me while Skyping in our morning-meet with my colleagues […]

Robotic Arm Trifecta Science Olympiad

Robotic Arm Trifecta (Science Olympiad)

In the fall of 2012, we set out to construct a robotic arm for the Science Olympiad competition that would be capable of performing the required set of tasks efficiently and to perfection. This instructable will attempt to guide you through the thought processes used in the design and construction of this project. We spent […]

Arduino FIO Tutorial

Arduino FIO Tutorial

Overview The Arduino Fio is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328P (datasheet) runs at 3.3V and 8 MHz. It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 8 analog inputs, an on-board resonator, a reset button, and holes for mounting pin headers. It has connections for a Lithium […]

Arduino Moody Workout T Shirt

The Motivational Moody Workout T-Shirt using an Arduino

I call this project “The Motivational Moody Workout T-Shirt” . Basically what I wanted to do was a t-shirt that makes you want to get out in the open and work out. To make that work, I sewed a LilyPad arduino onto a t-shirt and powered it with a solar panel. Then I connected a […]

Self Balancing Robot

Self-Balancing Robot Using Arduino

First of all I want to apologize for my English, if you don’t understand something, please, ask. I know that a self-balancing robot is not new, but when I started this project I found a lot of information, but never in the same site, I had to search a lot to join all information in […]

Interface and Application Programming

Interface and Application Programming

My sensors have not been functioning too well with my computer, as every time I try to connect the hello.light or hello.mic boards and run python through my terminal, I either get the error “resource busy”, or my computer completely freezes! Therefore, I decided to try and program some sensors via an Arduino board and […]

Arduino+Stepper Motor Camera Slider

Arduino+Stepper Motor Camera Slider

This is a trial and error / design and development process which I followed in developing a camera slider for creating time-lapse video clips on my DSLR camera. The idea came from using standard Aluminium extrusions I have available at hardware stores, and create a slider chassis / dolly which is able to slide along […]

Sensing Networks

Urban Sensing Networks using Arduino

Often government data sets available to us online are taken from major nearby metropolitan areas or infrastructural centers. With an easy to follow introduction to new softwares and technologies the “urban sensor kit” allows anyone to obtain location specific information and share that information with a growing community of designers, researchers, and many others. This […]

FINAL Touch sensor with arduino

FINAL Touch sensor with arduino

The tutorials we used. Download arduino software and the processing software. From their respective websites.   All of the supplies we used: (we didn’t include the water bottle as a sensing object, and used an inductor instead of a coil) Arduino Usb cable Shield pin headers Resister: 10k, 1MOmh, 3,3k Capacitor: […]

RFID touch screen Automated Bar Barduino v2.0 with Facebook Integration

RFID touch screen Automated Bar – Barduino v2.0 with Facebook Integration!

Got an Arduino? Like parties / alcohol? Can’t be bothered to make your own bar quality cocktails? Make a Barduino! Its back, with new features in v2.0: Facebook integration – Facebook registration Page to track and graph drink consumption Touchscreen with gesture support RFID user login – sync with Facebook profile photo SQL drink database […]

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