Arduino Coding Language: Exploring C, C++, Python, and More

What Language is Arduino?


You may have heard of Arduino already it is one of the most famous microcontroller boards used for hardware interaction and designing various interactive projects. And have you ever spared a thought to think about which programming language it is using in the backend?  This article will explore the foundational language that Arduino natively uses as well as other popular options supported for development. We’ll take a deep dive into key details like Arduino’s operators and whether it’s best defined as C or C++. In the end, you will understand the lingo typical for Arduino projects on a professional level. Well then, let’s proceed with the following section, do bear with me.

Arduino Coding Language

What Language Does Arduino Natively Use?

The short answer here is that Arduino inherently runs on a bare metal using C/C++ in its purest form. In form, it is similar to C++ but with many features of C++’s object-oriented approach such as classes and inheritance removed or simplified. Since this C/C++ dialect is a lightweight implementation and is more familiar among programmers, it was selected to be the Arduino core language.

From a syntactic perspective, this stripped-down C++ implementation feels a lot more like plain C. Variables and functions are declared outside of any classes, and there are no special class-related keywords involved. The majority of code focuses on setup(), loop(), and custom function definitions without object-oriented concepts in sight. The result is a language that’s very straightforward for beginners to pick up while still offering enough power for advanced projects.

Under the hood, Arduino sketches are compiled using GCC (GNU Compiler Collection), which translates the C/C++ code into optimized machine language bytecode that can run on the microcontroller hardware. This entire process is abstracted away into a simple drag-and-drop IDE experience, but it’s still very much reliant on traditional C/C++ structures and paradigms. The Arduino developers wisely chose this “lowest common denominator” approach to ensure maximum compatibility across all boards and minimal barrier to entry for newcomers.

So while it superficially resembles C, Arduino’s true lineage is based on C++. Many key elements inherited from C++ like variable types, functions, operators, conditionals, etc. are what give Arduino its structure and capabilities. However, its simplified presentation is optimized for simplicity rather than full-featured object orientation. This balance has made Arduino’s core language highly effective while remaining approachable for all levels of coders.

Which Other Programming Languages Are Supported for Arduino Development?

While Arduino’s native language is a simplified version of C/C++, it’s by no means limited to just that. The community has worked hard to expand language compatibility and give developers more choices. Here are some of the most popular options:


  • In addition to the core C++ variant, you can write pure C code for Arduino using standard C syntax and structures. The IDE supports this seamlessly without any adjustments needed.


Arduino Coding Language

  • For those comfortable with the fully object-oriented C++ feature set, it’s possible to write complete C++11/14/17 code for Arduino. Classes, inheritance, templates, and more work as expected.


Arduino Coding Language

  • The Arduino development environment supports loading and running Python scripts on Arduino boards using the pyFirmata library. This enables coding sensor interactions and prototypes without learning a new syntax.

JavaScript (Node.js)

  • Firmata and Johnny-Five allow controlling Arduino I/O from JavaScript code running on Node.js. Entire projects can be programmed and tested without even touching the Arduino IDE.


  • Although less common than the previously mentioned languages, Arduino support exists for Go via packages like Arduino and go-esp8266-wifi. This offers another option for web-connected applications.

These multi-language capabilities enable programmers to choose whichever dialect they prefer or fit a given project best. While core Arduino operation remains C/C++ based, the huge selection of extended tools ensures it’s a highly versatile and compatible platform. Experimenting with different approaches can also help expand coding horizons over time.

Arduino Operators

As an evolution of C/C++, Arduino inherits most of the fundamental operators familiar to programmers of those languages. Here’s a quick overview of some common ones:
Arithmetic Operators:
  • (addition), – (subtraction), * (multiplication), / (division), % (modulus)
Assignment Operators:
  • = (assign a value), +=, -=, *=, /= (compound assignment)
Comparison Operators:
  • ==, ! We can use ==, !=, <, >, <= or >= as equality, inequality, less than, greater than, less than or equal to and greater than or equal to respectively.
Logical Operators:
  • && (logical AND), || (logical OR), ! (logical NOT)
Bitwise Operators:
  • & (bitwise AND), | (bitwise OR), ^ (bitwise exclusive OR), ~ (bitwise complement), << (left shift), >> (right shift)
Conditional Operator:
  • ?: (ternary operator to assign values based on the condition being true/false)

These cover the vast majority of essential operator usage when coding Arduino sketches. The syntax should feel instantly familiar to those with other C-family language backgrounds. And their functionality operates identically on Arduino as on other platforms.

Some less common but still applicable operators include sizeof() to check the size of a variable, comma operator for multiple expressions in loops, etc. But the core set above handles almost any calculation or comparison need that comes up in typical Arduino programming scenarios. Mastering these operations is an important stepping stone for anyone wanting to develop robust skills with Arduino’s native language.

Is Arduino C or C++? The answer is Yes… and No

After examining Arduino’s core syntax structures and capabilities, the question of whether it should be classified as C or C++ often arises. But the reality is that both are true, some aspects of both are true. Thus, it is challenging to categorically say that it is one case of terminal resettlement confronted with the other. A more accurate view is that Arduino is a customized C/C++ variant optimized specifically for embedded use cases.

On one hand, Arduino code closely resembles C in the market in how variables, functions, and flow control are declared without object-orientation involved. This procedural style mirrors plain C much more than C++. But under the surface, it uses C++ compilation and still retains valid C++ code compatibility.

Conversely, some advanced C++ features like classes, inheritance, and templates do work when used in Arduino programs. The language itself was built on C++ rather than C. So from certain perspectives, it aligns more strongly with C++.

Ultimately, it’s best to consider Arduino its unique beast – one directly descended from C/C++ yet divergent in important optimizing ways. The language strips out complexity to focus on common microcontroller tasks, abstracting lower levels while keeping strong performance. Neither C nor C++ alone can fully encompass what Arduino is or how it’s applied.

So in summary – Arduino borrows elements of both C and C++ but defines its own simplified yet capable syntax specifically for embedded applications. It has features identifying it with each progenitor, yet remains independent from being strictly one or the other. This hybrid linguistic identity is what has made Arduino such an approachable and widely adopted platform spanning various programming backgrounds.

Expanding Arduino Possibilities with C++

While Arduino keeps things beginner-friendly through a basic C/C++ framework, we’ve seen it’s fully compatible with C++ code as well. For those ready to expand their abilities, C++ opens up many new doors. Here are just a few examples:
  • Object Orientation – Organizing related variables and functions into reusable object classes follows OOP principles. This structures complex programs neatly.
  • Inheritance – Deriving new classes from existing ones avoids duplicating common functionality while specializing behaviors.
  • Templates – C++ templates let code be written once to work generically with different variable types, reducing duplications.
  • Standard Library – Robust portable containers, algorithms, I/O streams, and more in the STL boost overall capability.
  • Memory Management – Smart pointers like unique_ptr ensure memory safety by preventing leaks automatically.
  • Concurrency – Semaphores, mutexes, etc. coordinate async tasks safely for real-time or multiprocessing uses.
  • Low-Level Control – Direct hardware register access permits very low-level interaction for maximizing performance.
  • Type Safety – C++ catches common bugs at compile-time through its strong static type system.

These are just a sampling of how C++ ups the ante. Experienced developers especially gain a lot by treating Arduino as a full-fledged C++ platform and not just a “beginner C” one. Doing so opens many optimized, reusable, robust coding techniques that vanilla Arduino code can’t match.

Of course, not all projects require this level of sophistication. But for anything complex, heavyweight, or production-focused, C++ serves Arduino extremely well by raising the ceiling of what’s possible. With its expressive power and focus on efficiency, C++ becomes an invaluable weapon in the hands of expert Arduino builders.

Python Adds a Different Dimension

So far we’ve focused on Arduino’s core C/C++ roots and options. But Python brings its own useful perspective worth exploring. With tools like pyFirmata, developers gain an alternative high-level language for prototyping without rewriting code later.

Some key benefits of the Python approach include:
  • Rapid Prototyping – Python lets hardware projects take shape quickly through its straightforward syntax.
  • Iterations in Minutes – Complex sequences can be tested and modified without wait times between builds.
  • Focus on Logic, Not Mechanics – Python handles low-level communication details, leaving coders to concentrate on circuit behaviors.
  • Simplified Learning Curve – Python is an easier first language than C++, so it lowers the barrier of entry.
  • Multi-Platform Deployment – Code can be developed on one machine and deployed cross-platform, unlike C++’s reliance on Arduino IDE.
  • Agile Development – Python emphasizes flexibility and responsiveness fitting short hardware cycles better than compiled languages.
  • Reusability – Functions/modules containing behaviors transfer seamlessly between projects.
  • Mathematics Focus – Python is an excellent environment for analyzing sensor data with tools like NumPy, SciPy, etc.

These traits make Python an outstanding choice for rapid conceptualizing. It enables trying out ideas much faster than messing with C++ wiring, variable types, and compilations constantly.

Later, performance-critical sections could still take advantage of raw C++. But overall Python streamlines the initial stages of physical computing to a remarkable degree. For anyone intimidated by Arduino’s C/C++ roots, it reduces friction significantly.

Lessening Language Barriers

We can’t discuss Arduino’s language landscape without touching on efforts to lessen barriers formed by its historical reliance on C/C++. Thankfully, some recent moves are working to open the door even wider:
  • Blockly – A visual programming tool that transforms block-based code into valid Arduino syntax behind the scenes. This lowers the floor for young coders and supports learning programming concepts step-by-step.
  • MakeCode – A Spin-off of Microsoft’s Blockly/JavaScript hybrid, Arduino MakeCode adopts its easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface for intuitive projects.
  • OCR Boards – Some products combine drag-and-drop coding with ready-made kits, allowing full circuits to be student-built and programmed painlessly. This approach makes physical computing genuinely accessible.
  • PXT Targets – The Arduino target available in Microsoft’s MakeCode configures boards for use with its block editor, pre-compiling all code so end-users avoid any direct contact with C/C++ nitty-gritty.
  • Blink – An alternative shell and PIC microcontroller aim to provide a “no code” intuitive interface for basic rapid prototyping without programming. But power is inevitably limited.

These language-lowering tactics acknowledge the limitations of requiring compilation knowledge. And they fill needs like education or impromptu exploration better than conventional Arduino IDE constraints do. Over time, such simplifying initiatives are certain to further popularize hardware development across demographics.

Looking at Libraries

Of course, it’s not all about the core languages themselves – Arduino’s extensive library ecosystem plays a huge role in the platform’s utility as well. Pre-written, tested code modules handle common low-level interactions, from basic input/output to complex protocols. Here are some insights on Arduino’s library landscape:

  • Libraries cover everything from supporting chip families to displays, sensors, USB devices, networking, audio, and more with new contributions.
  • Popular examples include LiquidCrystal, Wire, SPI, Ethernet, WiFi101, Servo, SD, NeoPixel, and hardware-specific driver libraries.
  • Well-documented libraries reduce coding from scratch, ensuring robust functionality and reliable component integration.
  • Consistent APIs abstract away communication mechanisms to provide intuitive higher-level library calls.
  • Community-developed libraries undergo ongoing updates/fixes to maintain compatibility across Arduino releases.
  • Library managers in IDEs simplify installation so users needn’t hunt sources manually.
  • Default libraries suffice for most projects, but additional specialized code exists, like TensorFlow Lite for AI tasks.

In many ways, Arduino’s true strength lies not in its core languages alone, but in how easily those languages interface to a world of preexisting adaptive code. The libraries become de facto languages in their own right through standardized interfaces. They deliver plug-and-play solutions handling low-level burdens so users can focus on higher-purpose application designs instead. In this regard, Arduino’s library culture may be its most valuable asset overall.

Language Trends to Watch

Looking ahead, what programming language trends seem likely to impact Arduino’s future evolution? A few possibilities to keep an eye on:
  • Rust popularity rising – Its strong safety focus could gain interest as a C++ alternative. Support may come through embedded-optimized toolchains.
  • WebAssembly gains ground – Projects like DMESG let C/C++ compile to WASM, potentially allowing “Arduino in the browser” remotely.
  • Pure JavaScript advances – Languages like CircuitPython push JavaScript/TypeScript as a leading cross-platform embedded choice.
  • Julia emerges for ML/DS – Its ease of combining numeric, symbolic, and compiled code may see embedded machine learning adoption.
  • Modern C++ standards progress – C++17, 20, 23 features continue enhancing functionality Arduino targets must remain compatible with.
  • New visual editors arise – Low-code tools abstracting language mechanics to empower non-programmers are an area of active development.
  • Hybrid approaches hybridize – Mixing block, text, and spoken languages could yield even more intuitive approaches fusing strengths.

While C/C++ will likely remain central given the existing infrastructure, embracing complementary choices ensures Arduino endures through changing times. Its designers have stayed adaptive – that flexibility may prove key to prolonged relevance across future shifts in how we code both hardware and software overall.

Wrapping Up

In conclusion, while Arduino’s true native language derives from a simplified C/C++ variant, it remains highly compatible with pure C/C++ as well as other major options like Python, JavaScript, and Go via libraries that interface with them. This expansive linguistic compatibility both draws from and nourishes Arduino’s diverse community of users.

The balance Arduino has struck – keeping things approachable yet not limiting capability – serves it remarkably well. Both beginners and experts feel at home with the platform. Various programming models coexist while targeting the same open hardware foundation.

This inclusive, pragmatically optimized design philosophy differentiates Arduino from more rigid one-language alternatives and underlies much of its grassroots popularity. It ensures concepts remain clear while cultivating a supportive ecosystem empowering people of all backgrounds to build meaningful interactive projects.

Overall, Arduino demonstrates how embracing multi-paradigm thinking instead of religious zealotry for any specific language yields dividends. By thoughtfully curating a hybrid approach, it welcomes programmers on their terms and unites them through a shared goal of making. That spirit of accessible innovation is what continues driving Arduino’s engaging journey and growth many years since its inception.

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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