DIY Teagueduino

What is Teagueduino?
Teagueduino is an open source electronic board and interface that allows you to realize creative ideas without soldering or knowing how to code, while teaching you the ropes of programming and embedded development (like Arduino). Teagueduino is designed to help you discover your inner techno-geek and embrace the awesomeness of making things in real-time — even if you’ve only ever programmed your VCR.
DIY Teagueduino
This project we originally created by Teague, and was fully backed by supporters on Kickstarter (check out the detailed Teagueduino post on Kickstarter here). We made 300+ kits, and now we want to open it up for the world to make, too!

In this instructable we’ll show you how to solder up your very own Teagueduino board. Enjoy 🙂

Step 1: Get the parts

To get started, you’ll need some parts.

See the Teagueduino bill of materials for part numbers and links to order from DigiKey. Get everything in the first section, and note the quantity of each (for example you’ll need 10 connectors, and 5 LEDs).

Perhaps the trickiest part is the Teagueduino PCB. We’re hoping to make blank Teagueduino PCBs available in the future, but until then feel free to make your own Teagueduino PCB from the Eagle files.

And if you curious what’s happening electrically, take a look at the Teagueduino circuit schematic.

Step 2: Solder in the socket

Solder in the socket

First, get out the PCB.

Add the 40-pin socket (notice that the notch is near the edge of the board). Carefully solder it on the back of the board. A couple of the pins will be more difficult to solder because they are connected to the power/ground planes and quickly diffuse the heat from the soldering iron. Just be patient.

Step 3: Solder in the connectors

Now add the 10 3-pin mini-CT connectors.

Note that you can slightly bend the pins such that the connectors will snap into the PCB nicely. This is handy so that they don’t fall out as you turn the board over to solder them in.


For more detail: DIY Teagueduino


About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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