

Five best types of renewable energy and why are they important?

The global population increased at its fastest rate in recorded history during the twentieth century, rising from around 1.6 billion in 1900 to over 6 billion in 2000. And due to the rising population, the energy demand has also increased exponentially. Therefore, the world is facing two potential threats. The first is undoubtedly climate change

Five best types of renewable energy and why are they important? Read More »

A Bladeless Wind Powered Generator

A Bladeless Wind-Powered Generator

You don’t need to travel far in the Dutch countryside before you come across a traditional windmill. Now a consortium of Rotterdam-based companies are planning to build a massive wind-powered generator structure in Rotterdam harbor that will generate energy without using rotating blades. The innovative ‘Windwheel’ will work on the EWICON (Electrostatic WInd energy CONverter)

A Bladeless Wind-Powered Generator Read More »

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