


This instrument was build by Lieven Menschaert and Danny Leen using  an Arduino Uno and some  hardware components ( rotary encoder, potentiometer and  simple iron bolts). The software running the actual audio and video is a Pure Data / GEM patch. Additionaly Echonest API was used to do the sample cutup. You can send any […]

KeySampler Read More »

Soundlazer SNAP The Directional Parametric Speaker

Soundlazer SNAP – The Directional Parametric Speaker

The Soundlazer directional audio project is the continuation of my first and very successful project here on Kickstarter. I developed the Soundlazer “Snap” during my quest to lower the cost of this amazing technology and give backers the opportunity to explore new possibilities in directional audio. Parametric speakers like the Soundlazer are directional speaker systems.

Soundlazer SNAP – The Directional Parametric Speaker Read More »

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