DIY sensory toys

Smart Stick for the Visually Impaired

Arduino Smart Stick for the Visually Impaired

Arduino technology shines in the Smart Stick for the Visually Impaired because it builds accessibility features to empower visually impaired users. The assistive device utilizes ultrasonic sensors with buzzer components that integrate with Arduino for an innovative functional application. What is the Smart Stick? A handheld device known as the Smart Stick detects obstacles in

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Ultrasonic Sensory Device for the Visually Impaired

Ultrasonic Sensory Device for the Visually Impaired Using Arduino

Through technological means individuals with disabilities gain empowerment and the Ultrasonic Sensory Device for the Visually Impaired stands as an excellent representation of this phenomenon. Its affordable design enables this simple device to detect ultrasonic signals for reliable assistance to people with vision impairment while they move around. What does the Ultrasonic Sensory Device accomplish?

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