Hi, this is my first instructable and I hope to do more.
This project was for ‘Creative Electronics’, a Beng Electronics Engineering 4th year module at the University of Málaga, School of Telecommunications.
It’s a cnc using Arduino UNO R3 , GCode Sender and GRBL. The cnc is made of wood thanks to the help of my father. It has taken us many hours to do the mechanical part however the electronic part is faster to do, but is very gratifying. I based my project on these videos and I have received much support from the author of the first video.
[Reproducir video] [Reproducir video]The total cost of the project is about 450€.
Step 1: Materials and components
From experience I recommend buying all the necessary materials before starting the realization of any project.
Materials and components:
- Laminated Wood
- Screwed Steel rods
- Steel bars
- Ball bearings
- Nuts
- Screws
- Stepper motors (in my case Nema 23)
- Stepper motors drivers TB6560
- Switching power supply 24V 15A
- Arduino UNO R3
- Some wires
- Nylon and metal bearings
Step 2: X axis
To build the base we have been cut several wooden boards which have made holes and blind holes. These tables form the support of the machine. The screwed steel rods operates as a worm drive. The blind holes serve as a stop for the steel bars that act as guides for the x-axis, in the middle, we put the screwed steel bar, that when turning, generates displacement in the x-axis. Above, we have put a wooden board greater weight and thickness for stability.
Step 3: Y axis
Bridge construction (y-axis) is very similar to that of the base, but this is supported on a table that is moved in the x-axis by a fixed nut below table. You see it at the last picture.
For more detail: Arduino CNC