
New Wireless IOT Sensor Layer for Home Environmental Monitoring System 1

New Wireless IOT Sensor Layer for Home Environmental Monitoring System

This Instructable describes a lower-cost, battery-powered wireless IOT sensor layer for my earlier Instructable: LoRa IOT Home Environmental Monitoring System. If you haven’t already viewed this earlier Instructable, I recommend reading the introduction for an overview of the capabilities of the system which are now extended to this new sensor layer. The original LoRa IOT Home

New Wireless IOT Sensor Layer for Home Environmental Monitoring System Continue Reading

Assembling the NeoPixel Grid

EqualAir: Wearable NeoPixel Display Triggered by Air Pollution Sensor

The aim of the project is to make a wearable t-shirt that displays an evocative graphic when air pollution is above a set threshold. The graphic is inspired by the classic game “brick breakers”, in that the car is like a paddle which spits out the exhaust (which are like balls) that “hit” pieces of

EqualAir: Wearable NeoPixel Display Triggered by Air Pollution Sensor Continue Reading

Low Cost Bioprinter

Low Cost Bioprinter

The goal of this project is to develop a low-cost bioprinter to make bioprinting more accessible to research institutions. Currently, low-end bioprinters cost approximately $10,000 while high-end bioprinters cost approximately $170,000. In contrast, our printer can be built for approximately $375. Supplies: Parts: Ramps 1.4:… Arduino mega 2560:… Stepper motor drivers:… Additional stepper motor (optional)…

Low Cost Bioprinter Continue Reading

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