
LED Sunrise Alarm Clock with Customizable Song Alarm

LED Sunrise Alarm Clock with Customizable Song Alarm using arduino

My Motivation This winter my girlfriend had a lot of trouble waking up in the morning and seemed to be suffering from SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). I even notice how much harder it is to wake up in the winter since the sun hasn’t come up yet. Symptoms of severe SAD can include irritability, oversleeping […]

LED Sunrise Alarm Clock with Customizable Song Alarm using arduino Continue Reading

Isolated mains power monitoring Arduino

Isolated mains power monitoring (Arduino)

All about power today.. For a while now, I’ve been looking around for a mains (220-240VAC) power monitoring circuit that I might be able to interface with an Arduino.  There is of course the OpenEnergyMonitor solution, but they seem to use a transformer to isolate and measure the mains voltage.  The transformer doesn’t exactly couple to the

Isolated mains power monitoring (Arduino) Continue Reading

Solderless Breadboard Layout Sheets

Solderless Breadboard Layout Sheets (plug and play electronics) using arduino

Here’s a fun system designed to take care of some of the headaches involved in breadboarding a circuit. It is is a simple set of template files drawn to scale with real world electronic components. Using a vector drawing program you simply move the components onto the breadboard template, draw a few wires and print

Solderless Breadboard Layout Sheets (plug and play electronics) using arduino Continue Reading

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