
How to Make a Infrared IR Remote Controlled Car e1669716084259

How to Make a Infrared (IR) Remote Controlled Car With a TV Remote for University Project, Science Fair and Robotics Competition

Follow the instructions below to build the remote control car. This project is ideal for science fair, robotics competition and university projects. The design is highly adaptable, you can modify it easily and add your own components. Table of contents Step 1: video demo Step 2: circuit diagram Step 3: Arduino code (software) Step 4:

How to Make a Infrared (IR) Remote Controlled Car With a TV Remote for University Project, Science Fair and Robotics Competition Read More »

Arduino gliding altimeter variometer

GoFly – paragliding/hangliding/gliding altimeter-variometer from Your car navigation using Arduino

GoFly is a project based on PNA (car navigation devices with Windows CE), LK8000 tactical fligh computer software and variometer (altimeter) external input based on Arduino board and pressure sensor. Why? -You can build this for about 150$, -Your ordinary PNA (Personal Navigation Assistant) changes to really nice, high end flying computer, with lot of

GoFly – paragliding/hangliding/gliding altimeter-variometer from Your car navigation using Arduino Read More »

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