About: Bilal

Author Bio: I am a highly skilled and motivated individual with a Master's degree in Computer Science. I have extensive experience in technical writing and a deep understanding of SEO practices. With my excellent communication and technical skills, I am able to effectively convey complex technical concepts to a wide range of audiences. I am dedicated to staying current with industry trends and continue to develop my skills through ongoing learning and professional development opportunities. Whether working on a technical writing project or optimizing a website for search engines, I consistently deliver high-quality work that exceeds expectations. I am a great researcher and am able to present information in a well-organized and logical manner.
Upwork: upwork.com/freelancers/~010bd6da80fa266236
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Posts by Bilal:

The Interactive Donation Box

Posted on: 08 Jan 2020

Donation boxes can be much more interesting and attractive when you combine them with electronics and a little bit of programming. This instructable will show you how to. As the name explains, making donation boxes interactive can help you gain much more attention and make people happy at the same time! Indeed, and awesome way […]

Distinguish Walking and Running Using Machine Learning

Posted on: 07 Jan 2020

Electronic market is full of devices called pedometer and fitness tracker. They counts the number of steps you have taken, distance you have covered, whether you are walking or running and bunch of other stuff. Ever wondered, how these devices perform such measurements. I decided to make one on my own and share the knowledge […]

Tracked Robot Bluetooth Controlled by Arduino Via Android Application

Posted on: 06 Jan 2020

After trying to remote tracked robot by IR remote control.I have proceed to control same robot platform by Bluetooth Arduino controller via Android application.This method is more reliable,longer distance,pretty Android application enhancement. Same principle,low cost play and home level technical skill.Programming khownledge is not necessary. Thanks for free download Arduino Bluetooth RC Car from Google play. Project more […]

Connecting “stuff” Via Bluetooth / Android / Arduino

Posted on: 05 Jan 2020

A very good wireless local area network (and personal) is undoubtedly the Bluetooth (BT). Today in our day-to-day is common to find us using cell phones, stereos, cameras, etc., interconnected with the help of the famous “blue little light”. In the world of IoT and automation in general, it is very common find remote controls […]

Voice to Arduino: Control LEDs Using MIT Speech Recognizer

Posted on: 04 Jan 2020

Hello, everybody!!! It has been some time I had not updated my post here. Today I would like to share with you guys an experiment I made. I am going to control LEDs using MIT app inventor speech recognizer. Oh before I forget, I had also started a blog where I post some other Arduino […]


Posted on: 24 Dec 2019

We’ve all seen plenty of impressive free-form soldering in these pages, maybe some of us have even had a go ourselves. Using nothing but bare conductors, electronic components, and solder, complex and beautiful electronic sculptures can be created. But the latest free-form project from [Jiří Praus] takes the medium to a new level, as he’s taken no […]


Posted on: 17 Dec 2019

Sorting candy by color is a classic problem that has its roots in the contract riders of rock stars who were just trying to make sure that more important contractual obligations were not being overlooked by concert venues. Through the years, candy sorting has become a classic problem for hobbyists to solve in various ways. […]


Posted on: 17 Dec 2019

Today’s commercial aircraft are packed to the elevators with sensors, computers, and miles and miles of wiring. Inside the cockpit you’re more than likely to see banks of LCDs and push buttons than analog gauges. So what’s that mean for the intrepid home simulator builder? Modern problems require modern solutions, and this 3D printed simulator is […]


Posted on: 17 Dec 2019

Have you made an infinity mirror yet? They’re pretty much a rite of passage project at this point. But unlike that DIY power supply, most of them serve no function beyond looking cool (not that there’s anything wrong with that). Might as well make it do something, right? [How Do You – DIY] has a built […]

5 Must-Have Tools for Arduino Beginners

Posted on: 17 Dec 2019

Arduino is an open-source electronics platform or board, as well as the software used. Arduino boards are meant to read an input and turn it into a corresponding output, such as turning a Twitter notification into an email notification should someone desire that functionality. Instructions are sent using the Arduino programming language and Arduino software. […]

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