About: Ibrar Ayyub

Author Bio: I am an experienced technical writer with a background in computer science. I hold a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan University, one of the most reputable universities in Pakistan for computer science education. With my advanced degree and extensive experience in the field, I have a deep understanding of various computer science concepts and technologies. In addition to my expertise in computer science, I have a diverse range of experience in technical writing. I have written for various industries, covering a wide range of topics, including engineering, home automation, and more. My ability to communicate complex technical information in a clear and concise manner has made me a valuable asset to many organizations. My writing style is characterized by its clarity and simplicity. I am able to break down complex concepts and explain them in a way that is easy to understand for readers with different levels of technical knowledge. I am also skilled in using various forms of media, such as infographics and diagrams, to make my writing more engaging and interactive. I have a special interest and expertise in home automation and engineering; I have written several articles and research papers on the topic and am well known in the field. My writing on home automation and engineering is informative, accurate, and reliable, providing valuable insights on the latest technologies and trends in the field. Overall, I am an experienced technical writer who can provide valuable insights and information for various fields of life, mainly home automation and engineering. I have the qualifications and experience to write about a wide range of topics, and my writing style is clear, simple, and engaging. I am an asset to any organization that requires technical writing services..
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Posts by Ibrar Ayyub:

Build a fully featured Arduino Thermostat

Posted on: 05 Jun 2013

In this post I will attempt to describe the steps I took to build the arduino based thermostat shown in the following videos. The first video was taken when around just half of the coding of the menu system was complete, but gives you a basic run through of the features. This second video shows […]

DIY FSK RFID Reader using Arduino

Posted on: 05 Jun 2013

This page is describes the construction of an RFID reader using only an Arduino (Nano 3.0 was tested, but others may work), a hand-wound wire coil, and some assorted low cost common components. Credits The hardware and software designs for this project are based in part on the ideas, code and schematics posted by Micah […]

Arduino Voltmeter Code

Posted on: 05 Jun 2013

This arduino projects show how to make voltmeter with your arduino. It use voltage divider concept to estimate the voltage input. Instruction; 1) Connect all jumper wire as shown in diagram. Upload this code to your arduino /*   Voltmeter   Voltmeter base on voltage divider concept.   Code based on: http://www.clarenceho.net:8123/blog/articles/2009/05/17/arduino-test-voltmeter   Coded by: arduinoprojects101.com */ // include the library code: #include <LiquidCrystal.h> // initialize the library with the numbers of the interface pins LiquidCrystal lcd(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12); […]

Arduino Temperature Sensor Code

Posted on: 04 Jun 2013

This arduino projects show how to read Celsius and Fahrenheit temperature with LM35 temperature sensor. Parts List; 1) 1x 16×2 parallel LCD display (compatible with Hitachi HD44780 driver) 2) 1x Arduino 3) 1x 10kΩ potentiometer 4) 1x LM35 temperature sensor 5) Jumper wire Instruction; 1) Connect all jumper wire as shown in diagram. 2) Connect […]

Web Server using Arduino

Posted on: 03 Jun 2013

In this example, you will use your Ethernet Shield and your Arduino to create a simple Web server. Using the Ethernet library, your device will be able to answer a HTTP request with your Ethernet shield. After opening a browser and navigating to your Ethernet shield’s IP address, your Arduino will respond with just enough […]

Arduino Stopwatch Code

Posted on: 03 Jun 2013

Arduino projects, running stopwatch on arduino. Arduino projects, running stopwatch on arduino. Parts List;1) 1x 16×2 parallel LCD display (compatible with Hitachi HD44780 driver)2) 1x Arduino3) 1x 10kΩ potentiometer4) 1x 10kΩ resistor5) 1x switch6) Jumper wire Instruction; 1) Connect all jumper wire as shown in diagram. 2) Connect digital input from switch to digital pin […]

LED Show using Arduino Esplora

Posted on: 03 Jun 2013

This example shows you how to read the values from the joystick. The output will be displayed through the serial monitor and as a color on the RGB LED. The joystick has two axes, X and Y. Each axis controls a color of the RGB LED: red with the X-axis, and green with the Y-axis. […]

Arduino RPM Counter / Tachometer Code

Posted on: 02 Jun 2013

Arduino projects, make arduino rpm counter with arduino.   Instruction;1) Connect all jumper wire as shown in diagram. 2) Connect IR LED to digital pin 13. 3) Connect IR Phototransistor (dark) to digital pin 2. Make sure shorter lead connected to digital pin 2 and longer lead to Ground. Upload this code to your arduino/** Optical Tachometer** Uses an IR LED and IR phototransistor to implement an optical tachometer.* The IR LED is connected to pin 13 and ran continually.* Pin 2 (interrupt 0) is connected across the IR detector.** Code based on: www.instructables.com/id/Arduino-Based-Optical-Tachometer/* Coded by: arduinoprojects101.com*/ […]

Arduino HC-SR04 How to use Ultra Sonic Sensor

Posted on: 26 May 2013

Arduino HC-SR04 The Arduino HC-SR04 is different from most of those commonly seen on the market, which have 4 pins compared to 3 pins. But the operation principle is the same, transmit signal, and depends on when the signal is received to estimate the distance. Arduino HC-SR04 not only inexpensive but also practical, use a […]

Arduino Hexapod Robot

Posted on: 25 May 2013

Arduino Hexapod Robot Design I will show you how to build an arduino hexapod robot, from building the body, to how to implement the algorithm. To learn about the implementation of the algorithm, read this first, if you are not sure what is IK, read this. China_icon 中文翻译:http://blog.oscarliang.net/arduino-liu-zhua-kun-chong-liu-zhua-shou-ji-yuan-dai-ma/ I ordered parts from a robot frame […]

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