About: Bilal

Author Bio: I am a highly skilled and motivated individual with a Master's degree in Computer Science. I have extensive experience in technical writing and a deep understanding of SEO practices. With my excellent communication and technical skills, I am able to effectively convey complex technical concepts to a wide range of audiences. I am dedicated to staying current with industry trends and continue to develop my skills through ongoing learning and professional development opportunities. Whether working on a technical writing project or optimizing a website for search engines, I consistently deliver high-quality work that exceeds expectations. I am a great researcher and am able to present information in a well-organized and logical manner.
Upwork: upwork.com/freelancers/~010bd6da80fa266236
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Posts by Bilal:

DIY | Easy Arduino Laser Tripwire Security System!

Posted on: 13 Feb 2020

In this tutorial I will be teaching you how you can build your own Laser Tripwire Security System at home! You will need the following components and materials: LED light Laser Module Laser Sensor Module Speaker or Piezo Buzzer 2 Small Breadboards with sticky tape on the back Arduino Breadboard wires USB Cable (to program […]

Sound Detection RGB Lamp Using Arduino

Posted on: 12 Feb 2020

Hello, In this project I am making a lamp with multiple colors using RGB leds. My idea is to try to let the lamp change color if it detects a sound in the area. If you get annoyed from the changing colors every time you make a sound, you can always put the lamp on […]


Posted on: 10 Feb 2020

What is part way between a printed circuit board and a rats-nest of point-to-point wiring? We’re not sure, but this is it. [Johan von Konow] has come up with an inspired solution, 3D printing an Arduboy case with channels ready-made for all the wires. The effect with his 3DPCBoy is of a PCB without the PCB, […]

Adafruit Feather Bluefruit wireless sensor board soon available

Posted on: 10 Feb 2020

Adafruit has today announced the Adafruit Feather Bluefruit Sense development board will be soon arriving in their online store, building on the popular Feather nRF52840 Express, by adding a range of sensors that can be accessed wirelessly. The Feather microcontroller is equipped with Bluetooth Low Energy connectivity together with native USB support featuring the nRF52840. Offering an […]

Joystick Controlled Robot Arm Using an Arduino

Posted on: 10 Feb 2020

Purpose and description of this guide This instructable is a hand-in for a school project that we made. The purpose of this project was to create a robot arm control using thumbsticks. We had to use an Arduino Uno for the control and in addition, we had to implement some sort of actuator or sensor […]

Handmade Claw

Posted on: 09 Feb 2020

These 6 easy steps will tell you how to make a wooden claw machine controlled with Arduino. Step 1: Print All of Your Pieces Either handcut or laser cut all of your pieces Step 2: Aquire Your Parts You will need 4 SG90 servos, 4 Potentiometers, and a box of half inch nuts and screws. […]

Arduino Countdown Timer With Setup Buttons

Posted on: 08 Feb 2020

In this Instructables guide I will show you how to make your own Arduino two digit countdown timer. I made my own circuit by using the ATmega328 micro controller but this is an optional step. In this guide I will help you to make it easily on breadboard by using the Arduino uno board! We […]


Posted on: 07 Feb 2020

With little more than an Arduino, an OLED display, and some buttons, it’s easy to build your own faux-retro game system. There’s even a growing library of titles out there that target this specific combination of hardware, thanks in no small part to the Arduboy project. But unless you’re content to play Circuit Dude on a breadboard, […]

Easy Arduino LED Dice

Posted on: 07 Feb 2020

This instrcutable will show you how to hook up LEDs to show a face of a dice when a pushbutton is pressed. Step 1: Supplies For this project you will need to following: 11 long jumper wires 7 short jumper wires 7 LEDs 1 breadboard 1 Arduino Uno 1 USB cable for the Arduino 1 […]


Posted on: 07 Feb 2020

Mihir Shah has designed many a PCB in his time. However, when working through the development process, he grew tired of the messy, antiquated methods of communicating design data with his team. Annotating photos is slow and cumbersome, while sending board design files requires everyone to use the same software and be up to speed. […]

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