
Digital to Analogue Converter DAC DAC Theory

Digital to Analogue Converter (DAC) DAC Theory

A digital to analogue converter takes a series of digital inputs (a string of 1s and 0s, in our case there will be 8 of them like 10011001) and converts it into an analogue output. You see DACs in every digital audio device (MP3 players, CD players) as these all store music in digital form, […]

Remote Controlled Switching

Remote Controlled Switching

Vision The aim of our project is to be able to control a electrical switching process using a remote. The idea is to come up with an alternative to the conventional electric switch boards, using a wireless control mechanism, in an economic way. In other words, an Electric Switch Board is to be designed in […]

Arduino Motor Shield

Make An Motor Shield For Arduino

We are not the first to make an Motor Shield for Arduino.  But could be that we are the first that make a Motor Shield with a minimum of flexibility. We are studing a WiFi robot with camera controlled by Arduino. The robot will be controlled by browser. But we find a problem with an […]

Mobile Controlled Automation Using Arduino

Mobile Controlled Automation Using Arduino

By this mobile controlled automation using Arduino you can perform switching operation of any load or device which is connected with the circuit. Before some days i posted about DTMF tone in mobile communication. Here i am using DTMF tone in this project. Visit following link for more information regarding DTMF. Suppose you are outside […]

Toaster Oven Reflow Technique

Toaster Oven Reflow Technique

Introduction This page describes how to reflow solder surface mount printed circuits using a cheap toaster oven. It owes a great deal to Nophead’s Cooking with Hydraraptor blog post. The picture shows Sally Bowyer (Director, RepRapPro Ltd) preparing components for soldering in the oven. For more instructions on this see the video at the bottom […]

Control a Furby with Arduino or other microcontroller

Control a Furby with Arduino (or other microcontroller)

The Million Dollar Furby: We can rebuild him. We have the technology. Continued from the previous Instructable where we excised Furby’s primitive brain , it’s now time to replace it with something greater. This Instructable will detail how to install a new microcontroller in place of Furby’s old brain, making him into a fully controllable […]

Arduino Tri colour LED Flasher Circuit

Arduino Tri-colour LED Flasher Circuit

This simple tri-colour LED flasher circuit is great for beginners. The three pin tri-colour LED is controller by an Arduino Uno and changed between three colours. This video shows the Arduino running a sketch that controls the tri-colour LED. Circuit Diagram for the Arduino Tri-colour LED Controller The circuit is very simple, using only three […]

Tutorial 19 Arduino Dice

Tutorial 19: Arduino Dice Circuit And Sketch Using A 7-Segment Display

In this tutorial you will build a dice that is shaken by holding the button in and thrown by releasing the button. The shake, throw and number thrown are animated and displayed on a seven segment display. A 74HC595 IC is used to interface the 7-segment display to the Arduino, using only 3 Arduino digital […]


Blink An LED Using Arduino

This example shows the simplest thing you can do with an Arduino to see physical output: it blinks an LED. Hardware Required Arduino Board LED Resistor, anything between 220 ohm to 1K ohm Circuit To build the circuit, connect one end of the resistor to Arduino pin 13. Connect the long leg of the LED […]

Tutorial 16 Arduino Clock

Tutorial 16: Arduino Clock

In this tutorial, the Arduino displays the time and date on a LCD (optional) and in the Arduino IDE serial monitor window. A PCF8563 real time clock (RTC) IC is used to generate the time and date. The time and date can be set using the Arduino serial monitor window. An optional battery can be […]

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