- This page provides general information to students enrolled in the EML 6808 course, Analysis and Control of Robot Manipulators.
- Prerequisites for the course are: EML 4312C, EML 5271, or C.I. Kinematics and dynamics of multibody systems.
- The topics to be covered include: basic components of robotic systems; selection of coordinate frames; homogeneous transformations; solutions to kinematic equations; velocity and force/torque relations; manipulator dynamics in Lagrange’s formulation; digital simulation of manipulator motion; motion planning; obstacle avoidance; controller design using the computed torque method; and classical controllers for manipulators. Basic knowledge of vector-matrix manipulations required.
-Please send Individual HW and Team Zip files to mailto:riselab.ucf@gmail.com
Purchasing Labview
- You can purchase labview with all the toolkits needed from either of the two links.
- Both sites require a .edu type email address to activate the student discounts. (register w/ NI before purchasing)
- NI’s site may seem cheaper but the tack on $17 for shipping.
-NOTE: On the NI site its just the LabVIEW Student Install Option for $40
- Go to NI.com and create a User account to download student trials and participate in NI related discussions.
–https://decibel.ni.com/content/groups/dr-xus-graduate-robotics-course?view=overview A link to the Dr. Xu’s Robotics Course NI Group page.
–http://zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/11564 Scroll down to download the Robotics Module 180-day trial (wait until the class announcement)
Use webcourses to form teams with 2 to 5 and made up of feeds and main campus members.
Feeds members will focus on labview simulations and the main campus members will complete nxt practice and Arduino circuits.
Members will share findings/results and compile a zip of a 1 page pdf write up and code.
The 1 page write up may include an objective, approach, results, and discussion.
Place images of commented code in the write up.
If applicable, include images, plots, and links to Youtube video of uploaded demo.
A bill of materials will be posted in the event you want to purchase personal equipment
- There are only 2 demo’s which require lab equipment (lego NXT and Arduino).
- The labs are a guaranteed time for an available room to work in and have your questions answered.
Demo 1: Introduction to
- Labview provides a power graphical programming language used throughout industry and academia to speed up system development time. Demo 1 introduces students to the Labview programming environment through basic examples that will be used to complete the lab challenge.
Demo 1 will cover: front panel vs back panel, VI’s, loops, case structures, array manipulation, as well as variables, constants, and shift registers.
Demo 1 notes: [1] Demo 1 zip: [2]
-download the zip file and open the project file (.lvprog) to view example vi’s for lab1. The zip file also contains .txt files for use in the code challenge.
Individual HW 1.) Use the links below to create a NI user account and join Dr. Xu’s NI community group. Then download and install the Labview trial to complete the code challenge. Everyone should have create a user account and user your knights email address.
2.)All students are required to have basic labview and registering your knights email will let you shop with student discounts on NI website
A download of the robotics trial for simulations will last 180-days.
The NXT and Arduino toolkit are free to download and install.
3.) Are you learning remotely online or on the main campus? Do you have any labview experience? What was the task and what tool pallet were used? If not, describe some other robotic/automated type project you participated in.
4.) Prepare a write up summarizing the direction of a research group related to robotics. What problem are they trying to solve? What software and/or hardware platform(s) are they using? Can it be applied to other technology?
- Code challenge:
1.) Create a VI to binarize (1’s and 0’s) an array of numbers around a user set threshold number. All numbers equal to and above the set threshold should be 1 or 0 if less than the threshold value.
2.) Create a VI that will count the number of occurrences of each character in a block of text and generate a histogram display of the counts. Ignore case and only count alphabetic characters (i.e. ‘a’ through ‘z’).
For more detail: Arduino MMAE Graduate Robotics