A WiFi controlled NeoPixel display. Designed for the MKR1000 but should work for the Zero too. A little rough around the edges but works!
Things used in this project
Hardware components |
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This project was originally written for an ESP8600 and re-written for a MKR1000 as it had all the necessities for the project without having to etch or solder a board for it (which was the original plan for the ESP8266-12E I had spare). The MKR1000 seems to be able to serve the page and run the functions a lot quicker too.
As the project uses the same libraries as the Arduino Zero and the MKR1000 is very similar, it should work on both the MKR1000 and the Arduino Zero (once the Wifi101 shield is installed).
For the video and picture examples I set the board up on a solderless breadboard to show how easy it is to implement.
Once the code is uploaded and the circuit is set up as directed go to the address (either specified in the sketch or in AP mode) in a browser and click the button to send the instruction for each function.
I’m hoping to include a colour wheel to choose the particular colour displayed in some functions at a later date.
A. Hardware:
1. Connect VCC to the V+ line
2. Connect Gnd to the Gnd line
3. Connect a 1000uF electrolitic cap between V+ and Gnd
4. Connect a 470 ohm resistor between the data pin on the neopixels and pin 12 on the MKR1000
5. Connect the Neopixel 5v and Gnd lines to the V+ and Gnd lines of the breadboard
6. (Optional) Connect a Lipo Battery to the charger (700mAh minimum)
B. Software
1. Download and Unzip the files or copy the code from the Code section
2. Open the Arduino IDE
3. Install the MKR1000/Arduino Zero board from the boards manager
4. Install the Wifi101 library from the Library manager
5. Run WiFi101_AP_Neopixels.ino in the Arduino IDE or paste in the code
6. Assemble the parts according to the description
7. Make any modifications you deem necessary (Wifi name etc.)
8. Upload
9. Connect to the WebAddress
10. Issue Command
MKR1000 Neopixel Throwie Sketch Zipped
Upload and do what you will
Image of Circuit
1. Connect 5v to the 5v line
2. Connect Gnd to the Gnd line
3. Connect a 1000uF electrolitic cap between 5v and Gnd
4. Connect a 470 ohm resistor between the data pin on the neopixels and pin 12 on the MKR1000
5. Connect a Lipo Battery to the charger (700mAh minimum)
MKR1000 Circuit
2. Connect Gnd to the Gnd line
3. Connect a 1000uF electrolitic cap between 5v and Gnd
4. Connect a 470 ohm resistor between the data pin on the neopixels and pin 12 on the MKR1000
5. Connect the Neopixel 5v and Gnd to the 5v and Gnd lines on the breadboard
6.(Optional) Connect a Lipo Battery to the charger (700mAh minimum)
1. Picture of Circuit
2 . Crude Drawing of Schematic
WiFi101_AP_Neopixels - built for the MKR1000 but should work for Zero too
Created by Colin Conway (Collie147 on Arduino.cc) 25/02/2016
Works connected to Wifi hotspot/router and on it's own as a 'Throwie'
Adapted from WiFi Web Server LED Blink
created 25 Nov 2012
by Tom Igoe
adapted to WiFi AP by Adafruit
And various bits and pieces from the ESP8266.com boards
#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#include <WiFi101.h>
#define PIN 12 //sets the pin on which the neopixels are connected
#define NUMPIXELS 10 //defines the number of pixels in the strip
#define interval 50 //defines the delay interval between running the functions
#define wifiRetryTimes 0 //number of times to try the wifi router before going into AP mode (set to 0 if AP only)
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);
uint32_t red = pixels.Color(255, 0, 0);
uint32_t blue = pixels.Color(0, 0, 255);
uint32_t green = pixels.Color(0, 255, 0);
uint32_t pixelColour;
uint32_t lastColor;
float activeColor[] = {255, 0, 0};//sets the default color to red
IPAddress apIP(192, 168, 0, 150);//not yet working in AP mode - if using a router and you would like a static IP address change this to the address (make sure on the same subnet)!
IPAddress netMsk(255, 255, 255, 0);//not yet working in AP mode
IPAddress gw(192, 168, 0, 1);//not yet working in AP mode
IPAddress dns(192, 168, 0, 1);//not yet working in AP mode
String IP;
char APssid[] = "MKR1000"; //SSID when in AP mode
char APpass[] = "MKR1000"; //Password when in AP MODE (NOT CURRENTLY WORKING)
char ssid[] = "YourSSID"; // your network SSID (name)
char pass[] = "YourPassword"; // your network password
int keyIndex = 0;
int status = WL_IDLE_STATUS;
WiFiServer server(80);
/*HTML code is split into 4 strings as it doesnt seem to be able to handle strings over 1500 or so chars*/
const char html1[] PROGMEM =
"<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=Edge'><meta charset='utf-8'><title>Neopixel Color Picker</title>"
"<style type='text/css'>.bt{display:block;width:250px;height:100px;padding:10px;margin:10px;text-align:center;border-radius:5px;color:white;font-weight:bold;font-size:40px;text-decoration:none;}body{background:#000;}"
".white{background:white;color:black;border:1px solid black;}.off{background:#666;color:white;}.colorPicker{background:white;color:black;}.colorWipe{font-size:40px; background:linear-gradient(to right, red, #0C0, blue);}"
".theatreChase{font-size:40px;background:linear-gradient(to right, red, black, red, black, #0C0, black, #0C0, black, blue, black, blue);}"
".rainbow{font-size:40px;background:red;background:linear-gradient(to right, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet,red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet);}"
".rainbowCycle{font-size:40px;background:red;background:linear-gradient(to right, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet);}"
".rainbowChase{font-size:40px;background:red;background:linear-gradient(to right, red, black, orange, black, yellow, black, green, black, blue, black, indigo, black, violet);}";
const char html2[] PROGMEM =
".breathe{background:blue;color:white;}.cylon{background:red;color:black;}.heartbeat{background:red;color:white;}.XMAS{font-size:40px;background:red;background:linear-gradient(to right, red, green, red, green, red, green, red, green, red, green, red, green);}"
"<script type='text/javascript'>";
const char html3[] PROGMEM =
"function ResetWebpage(){ if (window.location.href != 'http://#IPADDRESS/'){ window.open ('http://#IPADDRESS/','_self',true) }};" //change the website value here to your static website
"function myFunction(){ document.getElementById('brightnessLevel').submit();}</script>"
"<body onload='ResetWebpage()'><table><tr><td width='100'><div class='TGT00'></div></td><td><a class='bt red' href='/L00?v=1'>Red</a></td><td><a class='bt colorWipe' href='/L01?v=1'>Color Wipe</a></td><td><div class='TGT01'></div></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><div class='TGT02'></div></td><td><a class='bt green' href='/L02?v=1'>Green</a></td><td><a class='bt theatreChase' href='/L03?v=1'>Theatre Chase</a></td><td><div class='TGT03'></div></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><div class='TGT04'></div></td><td><a class='bt blue' href='/L04?v=1'>Blue</a></td><td><a class='bt rainbow' href='/L05?v=1'>Rainbow</a></td><td><div class='TGT05'></div></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><div class='TGT06'></div></td><td><a class='bt white' href='/L06?v=1'>White</a></td><td><a class='bt rainbowChase' href='/L07?v=1'>Rainbow Chase</a></td><td><div class='TGT07'></div></td></tr>";
const char html4[] PROGMEM =
"<tr><td><div class='TGT08'></div></td><td><a class='bt cylon' href='/L08?v=1'>Cylon Chaser</a></td><td><a class='bt rainbowCycle' href='/L09?v=1'>Rainbow Cycle</a></td><td><div class='TGT09'></div></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><div class='TGT10'></div></td><td><a class='bt breathe' href='/L10?v=1'>Breathe</a></td><td><a class='bt heartbeat' href='/L11?v=1'>Heartbeat</a></td><td><div class='TGT11'></div></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><div class='TGT12'></div></td><td><a class='bt XMAS' href='/L12?v=1'>Christmas</a></td><td><a class='bt ALL' href='/L13?v=1'>Cycle ALL</a></td><td><div class='TGT13'></div></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><div class='TGT14'></div></td><td><a class='bt off' href='/L14?v=1'>Off</a></td><td><form id='brightnessLevel'><input type='range' name='bright' max='255' min='0' value='#BRIGHT' onchange='myFunction()' class='bt off'></form></td></tr>"
String sendHtml3 = html3;//create a string version of the html3 to sub values into
String sendHtml4 = html4;//create a string version of the html4 to sub values into
String currentLine; //string returned by the client connected
boolean NeoState[] = {false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true}; //Active Neopixel Function (off by default)
int neopixMode = 0; //sets a mode to run each of the functions
long previousMillis = 0; // a long value to store the millis()
long lastAllCycle = 0; // last cycle in the ALL() function
long previousColorMillis = 0; // timer for the last color change
int i = 0; //sets the pixel number in newTheatreChase() and newColorWipe()
int CWColor = 0; //sets the newColorWipe() color value 0=Red, 1=Green, 2=Blue
int j; //sets the pixel to skip in newTheatreChase() and newTheatreChaseRainbow()
int cycle = 0;//sets the cycle number in newTheatreChase()
int TCColor = 0;//sets the color in newTheatreChase()
int l = 0; //sets the color value to send to Wheel in newTheatreChaseRainbow() and newRainbow()
int m = 0; //sets the color value in newRainbowCycle()
int n = 2; //sets the pixel number in cyclonChaser()
int breather = 0; //sets the brightness value in breather()
boolean dir = true; //sets the direction in breather()-breathing in or out, and cylonChaser()-left or right
boolean beat = true; //sets the beat cycle in heartbeat()
int beats = 0; //sets the beat number in heartbeat()
int brightness = 150; //sets the default brightness value
int o = 0; //christmas LED value
int q = 5; // values for the All() function
uint32_t lastAllColor = 0; // last color displayed in the All() function
void setup() {
pixels.begin(); //starts the neopixels
pixels.setBrightness(brightness); // sets the inital brightness of the neopixels
writeLEDS(0, 0, 0); //sets all the pixels to off
// Connect to WPA/WPA2 network. Change this line if using open or WEP network:
Serial.print(F("Creating Network named: "));
Serial.println(ssid); // print the network name (SSID);
if (WiFi.status() == WL_NO_SHIELD) {
Serial.println(F("WiFi shield not present"));
while(true); // don't continue
WiFi.config(apIP); //Sets IP address to static. Comment out if not needed (not yet working in AP mode)
//WiFi.config(apIP, dns, gw, netMsk); //not yet working in AP mode
while ( status != WL_CONNECTED) {
for (int x = 0; x <= wifiRetryTimes; x++)
Serial.print(F("Attempting to connect to Network named: "));
Serial.println(ssid); // print the network name (SSID);
// Connect to WPA/WPA2 network. Change this line if using open or WEP network:
status = WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
// wait 10 seconds for connection:
Serial.print(F("Could not Connect to Wifi"));
status = WiFi.beginAP(APssid);//create an AP - IP is currently static to
//status = WiFi.beginAP(APssid, APpass);
sendHtml3.replace("#IPADDRESS", IP); //replace the IP address in the original html with that of the device
sendHtml4.replace("#BRIGHT", "150"); //replace the brightness value with a numerical value
Serial.println(F("USP Server started!!"));
Serial.println(F("HTTP server started!!"));
void loop() {
WiFiClient client = server.available(); // listen for incoming clients
if (client) {
Serial.println(F("new client")); // print a message out the serial port
currentLine = ""; // make a String to hold incoming data from the client
while (client.connected()) { // loop while the client's connected
if (client.available()) { // if there's bytes to read from the client,
char c = client.read(); // read a byte, then
Serial.write(c); // print it out the serial monitor
if (c == '\n') { // if the byte is a newline character
// if the current line is blank, you got two newline characters in a row.
// that's the end of the client HTTP request, so send a response:
if (currentLine.length() == 0) {
// HTTP headers always start with a response code (e.g. HTTP/1.1 200 OK)
// and a content-type so the client knows what's coming, then a blank line:
client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
client.print(F(html1));//send the html part1
client.print(F(html2));//send the html part2
client.print(sendHtml3);//send the modified html part3
client.print(sendHtml4);//send the modified html part4
else { // if you got a newline, then clear currentLine:
if (currentLine.indexOf("Referer") < 0) {//so long as Referer is not in the returned value
if (currentLine.indexOf("/L00") > 0) {//if /L00 is present in the string
handle_L00();//run the function
if (currentLine.indexOf("/L01") > 0) {//same as above
if (currentLine.indexOf("/L02") > 0) {
if (currentLine.indexOf("/L03") > 0) {
if (currentLine.indexOf("/L04") > 0) {
if (currentLine.indexOf("/L05") > 0) {
if (currentLine.indexOf("/L06") > 0) {
if (currentLine.indexOf("/L07") > 0) {
if (currentLine.indexOf("/L08") > 0) {
if (currentLine.indexOf("/L09") > 0) {
if (currentLine.indexOf("/L10") > 0) {
if (currentLine.indexOf("/L11") > 0) {
if (currentLine.indexOf("/L12") > 0) {
if (currentLine.indexOf("/L13") > 0) {
if (currentLine.indexOf("/L14") > 0) {
if (currentLine.indexOf("bright") > 0) {
currentLine = "";//clear the string
else if (c != '\r') { // if you got anything else but a carriage return character,
currentLine += c; // add it to the end of the currentLine
if (currentLine.endsWith("/generate_204")) {
// close the connection:
Serial.println(F("client disconnected"));
NeoPixModes();//run the NeoPixModes function
void handleNotFound() {
//possible addition
void handle_root() {//handle what happens to the root page
String brightString = String(brightness);//tirn the brightness int into a string to put into the HTML
sendHtml3 = html3;//copy the original html3 into a string to replace values
sendHtml4 = html4;//copy the original html4 into a string to replace values
sendHtml3.replace("#IPADDRESS", IP);
sendHtml3.replace("TGT00", NeoState[0] ? "y" : "b");
sendHtml3.replace("TGT01", NeoState[1] ? "y" : "b");
sendHtml3.replace("TGT02", NeoState[2] ? "y" : "b");
sendHtml3.replace("TGT03", NeoState[3] ? "y" : "b");
sendHtml3.replace("TGT04", NeoState[4] ? "y" : "b");
sendHtml3.replace("TGT05", NeoState[5] ? "y" : "b");
sendHtml3.replace("TGT06", NeoState[6] ? "y" : "b");
sendHtml3.replace("TGT07", NeoState[7] ? "y" : "b");
sendHtml4.replace("TGT08", NeoState[8] ? "y" : "b");
sendHtml4.replace("TGT09", NeoState[9] ? "y" : "b");
sendHtml4.replace("TGT10", NeoState[10] ? "y" : "b");
sendHtml4.replace("TGT11", NeoState[11] ? "y" : "b");
sendHtml4.replace("TGT12", NeoState[12] ? "y" : "b");
sendHtml4.replace("TGT13", NeoState[13] ? "y" : "b");
sendHtml4.replace("TGT14", NeoState[14] ? "y" : "b");
sendHtml4.replace("#BRIGHT", brightString);
Serial.print("Brightness: ");
Serial.print(" | brightString: ");
void handle_L00() {
void handle_L01() {
void handle_L02() {
void handle_L03() {
void handle_L04() {
void handle_L05() {
void handle_L06() {
void handle_L07() {
void handle_L08() {
void handle_L09() {
void handle_L10() {
void handle_L11() {
void handle_L12() {
void handle_L13() {
void handle_L14() {
void handle_bright()
int brightCharNum = (currentLine.indexOf("=") +1);
brightness = currentLine.substring(brightCharNum).toInt();
//brightness = server.arg(0).toInt();//changes the argument0 to an int
Serial.print(F("Brightness set to: "));
pixels.setBrightness(brightness);//sets it as the global brightness
pixels.show();//displays new brightness level
void changeNeoState(int tgt) {
if (currentLine.indexOf("v") > 0) {
for (int x = 0; x < sizeof(NeoState); x++)
NeoState[x] = LOW;
if (tgt == x)
NeoState[x] = HIGH;
void printWifiStatus() {
// print the SSID of the network you're attached to:
Serial.print("SSID: ");
// print your WiFi shield's IP address:
IPAddress ip = WiFi.localIP();
Serial.print("IP Address: ");
// print the received signal strength:
long rssi = WiFi.RSSI();
Serial.print("signal strength (RSSI):");
Serial.println(" dBm");
// print where to go in a browser:
Serial.print("To see this page in action, open a browser to http://");
IP = String(ip[0]);
IP += ".";
IP += String(ip[1]);
IP += ".";
IP += String(ip[2]);
IP += ".";
IP += String(ip[3]);
uint32_t Wheel(byte WheelPos)//neopixel wheel function, pick from 256 colors
WheelPos = 255 - WheelPos;
if (WheelPos < 85) {
return pixels.Color(255 - WheelPos * 3, 0, WheelPos * 3);
if (WheelPos < 170) {
WheelPos -= 85;
return pixels.Color(0, WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3);
WheelPos -= 170;
return pixels.Color(WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3, 0);
void writeLEDS(byte R, byte G, byte B)//basic write colors to the neopixels with RGB values
for (int i = 0; i < pixels.numPixels(); i ++)
pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(R, G, B));
void writeLEDS(byte R, byte G, byte B, byte bright)//same as above with brightness added
float fR = (R / 255) * bright;
float fG = (G / 255) * bright;
float fB = (B / 255) * bright;
for (int i = 0; i < pixels.numPixels(); i ++)
pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(R, G, B));
void writeLEDS(byte R, byte G, byte B, byte bright, byte LED)// same as above only with individual LEDS
float fR = (R / 255) * bright;
float fG = (G / 255) * bright;
float fB = (B / 255) * bright;
pixels.setPixelColor(LED, pixels.Color(R, G, B));
unsigned int RGBValue(const char * s)//converts the value to an RGB value
unsigned int result = 0;
int c ;
if ('0' == *s && 'x' == *(s + 1)) {
s += 2;
while (*s) {
result = result << 4;
if (c = (*s - '0'), (c >= 0 && c <= 9)) result |= c;
else if (c = (*s - 'A'), (c >= 0 && c <= 5)) result |= (c + 10);
else if (c = (*s - 'a'), (c >= 0 && c <= 5)) result |= (c + 10);
else break;
return result;
uint8_t splitColor ( uint32_t c, char value )
switch ( value ) {
case 'r': return (uint8_t)(c >> 16);
case 'g': return (uint8_t)(c >> 8);
case 'b': return (uint8_t)(c >> 0);
default: return 0;
void NeoPixModes()
if (NeoState[0]){
writeLEDS(255, 0, 0);//write RED to all pixels
else if (NeoState[1])
else if (NeoState[2])
writeLEDS(0, 255, 0);//write GREEN to all pixels
else if (NeoState[3])
else if (NeoState[4])
writeLEDS(0, 0, 255);//write BLUE to all pixels
else if (NeoState[5])
else if (NeoState[6])
writeLEDS(255, 255, 255);
else if (NeoState[7])
else if (NeoState[8])
else if (NeoState[9])
else if (NeoState[10])
else if (NeoState[11])
else if (NeoState[12])
else if (NeoState[13])
else if (NeoState[14])
writeLEDS(0, 0, 0); //sets all the pixels to off;
void ALL()
if (millis() - lastAllCycle > 60000)
q ++;
if ((q < 5) || (q > 14))
q = 5;
lastAllCycle = millis();
if (q == 5) // if the option has been selected keep running the function for that option
if (q == 6)
if (q == 7)
if (q == 8)
if (q == 9)
if (q == 10)
if (q == 11)
if (q == 12)
if (q == 13)
void colorCycler()
if (millis() - previousColorMillis > interval)
lastColor ++;
if (lastColor > 255)
lastColor = 0;
uint32_t newColor = Wheel(lastColor);
activeColor[0] = splitColor(newColor, 'r');
activeColor[1] = splitColor(newColor, 'g');
activeColor[2] = splitColor(newColor, 'b');
previousColorMillis = millis();
void christmasChase()
if (millis() - previousMillis > interval * 10)//if the time between the function being last run is greater than intervel * 2 - run it
for (int q = 0; q < NUMPIXELS + 4; q ++)
pixels.setPixelColor(q, pixels.Color(255, 0, 0));
if (o < 4)
for (int p = o; p < NUMPIXELS + 4; p = p + 4)
if (p == 0)
pixels.setPixelColor(p, pixels.Color(0, 255, 0));
else if ((p > 0) && (p < NUMPIXELS + 4 ))
pixels.setPixelColor(p, pixels.Color(0, 255, 0));
pixels.setPixelColor(p - 1, pixels.Color(0, 255, 0));
if ( (p == 2) && (NUMPIXELS % 4) == 2) {
pixels.setPixelColor(NUMPIXELS - 1, pixels.Color(0, 255, 0));
if (o >= 4)
o = 0;
previousMillis = millis();
void heartbeat()
#if defined DEBUG
Serial.println(millis() - previousMillis);
if (millis() - previousMillis > interval * 2)//if the time between the function being last run is greater than intervel * 2 - run it
if ((beat == true) && (beats == 0) && (millis() - previousMillis > interval * 7)) //if the beat is on and it's the first beat (beats==0) and the time between them is enough
for (int h = 50; h <= 255; h = h + 15)//turn on the pixels at 50 and bring it up to 255 in 15 level increments
writeLEDS((activeColor[0] / 255) * h, (activeColor[1] / 255) * h, (activeColor[2] / 255) * h);
beat = false;//sets the next beat to off
previousMillis = millis();//starts the timer again
else if ((beat == false) && (beats == 0))//if the beat is off and the beat cycle is still in the first beat
for (int h = 255; h >= 0; h = h - 15)//turn off the pixels
writeLEDS((activeColor[0] / 255) * h, (activeColor[1] / 255) * h, (activeColor[2] / 255) * h);
beat = true;//sets the beat to On
beats = 1;//sets the next beat to the second beat
previousMillis = millis();
else if ((beat == true) && (beats == 1) && (millis() - previousMillis > interval * 2))//if the beat is on and it's the second beat and the interval is enough
for (int h = 50; h <= 255; h = h + 15)
writeLEDS((activeColor[0] / 255) * h, (activeColor[1] / 255) * h, (activeColor[2] / 255) * h); //turn on the pixels
beat = false;//sets the next beat to off
previousMillis = millis();
else if ((beat == false) && (beats == 1))//if the beat is off and it's the second beat
for (int h = 255; h >= 0; h = h - 15)
writeLEDS((activeColor[0] / 255) * h, (activeColor[1] / 255) * h, (activeColor[2] / 255) * h); //turn off the pixels
beat = true;//sets the next beat to on
beats = 0;//starts the sequence again
previousMillis = millis();
#if defined DEBUG
void breathing()
if (millis() - previousMillis > interval * 2) //if the timer has reached its delay value
writeLEDS((activeColor[0] / 255) * breather, (activeColor[1] / 255) * breather, (activeColor[2] / 255) * breather); //write the leds to the color and brightness level
if (dir == true)//if the lights are coming on
if (breather < 255)//once the value is less than 255
breather = breather + 15;//adds 15 to the brightness level for the next time
else if (breather >= 255)//if the brightness is greater or equal to 255
dir = false;//sets the direction to false
if (dir == false)//if the lights are going off
if (breather > 0)
breather = breather - 15;//takes 15 away from the brightness level
else if (breather <= 0)//if the brightness level is nothing
dir = true;//changes the direction again to on
previousMillis = millis();
void cylonChaser()
if (millis() - previousMillis > interval * 2 / 3)
for (int h = 0; h < pixels.numPixels(); h++)
pixels.setPixelColor(h, 0);//sets all pixels to off
if (pixels.numPixels() <= 10)//if the number of pixels in the strip is 10 or less only activate 3 leds in the strip
pixels.setPixelColor(n, pixels.Color(activeColor[0], activeColor[1], activeColor[2]));//sets the main pixel to full brightness
pixels.setPixelColor(n + 1, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 50)); //sets the surrounding pixels brightness to 50
pixels.setPixelColor(n - 1, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 50));
if (dir == true)//if the pixels are going up in value
if (n < (pixels.numPixels() - 1))//if the pixels are moving forward and havent reach the end of the strip "-1" to allow for the surrounding pixels
n++;//increase N ie move one more forward the next time
else if (n >= (pixels.numPixels() - 1))//if the pixels have reached the end of the strip
dir = false;//change the direction
if (dir == false)//if the pixels are going down in value
if (n > 1)//if the pixel number is greater than 1 (to allow for the surrounding pixels)
n--; //decrease the active pixel number
else if (n <= 1)//if the pixel number has reached 1
dir = true;//change the direction
if ((pixels.numPixels() > 10) && (pixels.numPixels() <= 20))//if there are between 11 and 20 pixels in the strip add 2 pixels on either side of the main pixel
pixels.setPixelColor(n, pixels.Color(activeColor[0], activeColor[1], activeColor[2]));//same as above only with 2 pixels either side
pixels.setPixelColor(n + 1, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 150, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 150, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 150));
pixels.setPixelColor(n + 2, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 50));
pixels.setPixelColor(n - 1, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 150, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 150, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 150));
pixels.setPixelColor(n - 2, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 50));
if (dir == true)
if (n < (pixels.numPixels() - 2))
else if (n >= (pixels.numPixels() - 2))
dir = false;
if (dir == false)
if (n > 2)
else if (n <= 2)
dir = true;
if (pixels.numPixels() > 20)//if there are more than 20 pixels in the strip add 3 pixels either side of the main pixel
pixels.setPixelColor(n, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 255, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 255, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 255));
pixels.setPixelColor(n + 1, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 150, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 150, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 150));
pixels.setPixelColor(n + 2, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 100, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 100, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 100));
pixels.setPixelColor(n + 3, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 50));
pixels.setPixelColor(n - 1, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 150, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 150, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 150));
pixels.setPixelColor(n - 2, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 100, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 100, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 100));
pixels.setPixelColor(n - 3, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 50));
if (dir == true)
if (n < (pixels.numPixels() - 3))
else if (n >= (pixels.numPixels() - 3))
dir = false;
if (dir == false)
if (n > 3)
else if (n <= 3)
dir = true;
pixels.show();//show the pixels
previousMillis = millis();
void newTheatreChaseRainbow()
if (millis() - previousMillis > interval * 2)
for (int h = 0; h < pixels.numPixels(); h = h + 3) {
pixels.setPixelColor(h + (j - 1), 0); //turn every third pixel off from the last cycle
pixels.setPixelColor(NUMPIXELS - 1, 0);
for (int h = 0; h < pixels.numPixels(); h = h + 3)
pixels.setPixelColor(h + j, Wheel( ( h + l) % 255));//turn every third pixel on and cycle the color
if (j >= 3)
j = 0;
if (l >= 256)
l = 0;
previousMillis = millis();
void newRainbowCycle()
if (millis() - previousMillis > interval * 2)
for (int h = 0; h < pixels.numPixels(); h++)
pixels.setPixelColor(h, Wheel(((h * 256 / pixels.numPixels()) + m) & 255));
if (m >= 256 * 5)
m = 0;
previousMillis = millis();
void newRainbow()
if (millis() - previousMillis > interval * 2)
for (int h = 0; h < pixels.numPixels(); h++)
pixels.setPixelColor(h, Wheel((h + l) & 255));
if (l >= 256)
l = 0;
previousMillis = millis();
void newTheatreChase()
if (millis() - previousMillis > interval * 2)
uint32_t color;
int k = j - 3;
j = i;
while (k >= 0)
pixels.setPixelColor(k, 0);
k = k - 3;
if (TCColor == 0)
color = pixels.Color(255, 0, 0);
else if (TCColor == 1)
color = pixels.Color(0, 255, 0);
else if (TCColor == 2)
color = pixels.Color(0, 0, 255);
else if (TCColor == 3)
color = pixels.Color(255, 255, 255);
while (j < NUMPIXELS)
pixels.setPixelColor(j, color);
j = j + 3;
if (cycle == 10)
TCColor ++;
cycle = 0;
if (TCColor == 4)
TCColor = 0;
if (i >= 3)
i = 0;
cycle ++;
previousMillis = millis();
void newColorWipe()
if (millis() - previousMillis > interval * 2)
uint32_t color;
if (CWColor == 0)
color = pixels.Color(255, 0, 0);
else if (CWColor == 1)
color = pixels.Color(0, 255, 0);
else if (CWColor == 2)
color = pixels.Color(0, 0, 255);
pixels.setPixelColor(i, color);
if (i == NUMPIXELS)
i = 0;
if (CWColor == 3)
CWColor = 0;
previousMillis = millis();
Source : Arduino MKR1000/Zero Neopixel Throwie