Arduino MKR1000/Zero Neopixel Throwie

A WiFi controlled NeoPixel display. Designed for the MKR1000 but should work for the Zero too. A little rough around the edges but works!


Things used in this project

Hardware components

Arduino MKR1000
Arduino MKR1000
× 1
NeoPixel Ring: WS2812 5050 RGB LED
Adafruit NeoPixel Ring: WS2812 5050 RGB LED
× 1
Flora RGB Neopixel LEDs- Pack of 4
Adafruit Flora RGB Neopixel LEDs- Pack of 4
× 1
Breadboard (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
× 1
Capacitor 1000 µF
Capacitor 1000 µF
× 1
Jumper wires (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
× 1
Resistor 475 ohm
Resistor 475 ohm
470 Ohm resistor will do
× 1


MKR1000_Neopixel_Throwie (2)
MKR1000_Neopixel_Throwie (3)

1. Picture of Circuit

A photograph of the circuit assembled
MKR1000_Neopixel_Throwie (4)

2 . Crude Drawing of Schematic

As MKR1000 not available on Fritzing and would take too long to make on Eagle I drew this up very quickly.




Copy and Paste
 WiFi101_AP_Neopixels - built for the MKR1000 but should work for Zero too
 Created by Colin Conway (Collie147 on 25/02/2016
 Works connected to Wifi hotspot/router and on it's own as a 'Throwie'
  Adapted from WiFi Web Server LED Blink
  created 25 Nov 2012
  by Tom Igoe
  adapted to WiFi AP by Adafruit
  And various bits and pieces from the boards

#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h>
#include <WiFi101.h>
#define PIN            12 //sets the pin on which the neopixels are connected
#define NUMPIXELS      10 //defines the number of pixels in the strip
#define interval       50 //defines the delay interval between running the functions
#define wifiRetryTimes 0 //number of times to try the wifi router before going into AP mode (set to 0 if AP only)
Adafruit_NeoPixel pixels = Adafruit_NeoPixel(NUMPIXELS, PIN, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800);

uint32_t red = pixels.Color(255, 0, 0);
uint32_t blue = pixels.Color(0, 0, 255);
uint32_t green = pixels.Color(0, 255, 0);
uint32_t pixelColour;
uint32_t lastColor;
float activeColor[] = {255, 0, 0};//sets the default color to red

IPAddress apIP(192, 168, 0, 150);//not yet working in AP mode - if using a router and you would like a static IP address change this to the address (make sure on the same subnet)!
IPAddress netMsk(255, 255, 255, 0);//not yet working in AP mode
IPAddress gw(192, 168, 0, 1);//not yet working in AP mode
IPAddress dns(192, 168, 0, 1);//not yet working in AP mode
String IP;
char APssid[] = "MKR1000";  //SSID when in AP mode
char APpass[] = "MKR1000";  //Password when in AP MODE (NOT CURRENTLY WORKING)
char ssid[] = "YourSSID";      // your network SSID (name)
char pass[] = "YourPassword";   // your network password
int keyIndex = 0;  
int status = WL_IDLE_STATUS;
WiFiServer server(80);

/*HTML code is split into 4 strings as it doesnt seem to be able to handle strings over 1500 or so chars*/
const char html1[] PROGMEM = 
"<!DOCTYPE html><html><head><meta http-equiv='X-UA-Compatible' content='IE=Edge'><meta charset='utf-8'><title>Neopixel Color Picker</title>"
"<style type='text/css'>.bt{display:block;width:250px;height:100px;padding:10px;margin:10px;text-align:center;border-radius:5px;color:white;font-weight:bold;font-size:40px;text-decoration:none;}body{background:#000;}"
".white{background:white;color:black;border:1px solid black;}.off{background:#666;color:white;}.colorPicker{background:white;color:black;}.colorWipe{font-size:40px;  background:linear-gradient(to right, red, #0C0, blue);}"
".theatreChase{font-size:40px;background:linear-gradient(to right, red, black, red, black, #0C0, black, #0C0, black, blue, black, blue);}"
".rainbow{font-size:40px;background:red;background:linear-gradient(to right, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet,red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet);}"
".rainbowCycle{font-size:40px;background:red;background:linear-gradient(to right, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet);}"
".rainbowChase{font-size:40px;background:red;background:linear-gradient(to right, red, black, orange, black, yellow, black, green, black, blue, black, indigo, black, violet);}";

const char html2[] PROGMEM = 
".breathe{background:blue;color:white;}.cylon{background:red;color:black;}.heartbeat{background:red;color:white;}.XMAS{font-size:40px;background:red;background:linear-gradient(to right, red, green, red, green, red, green, red, green, red, green, red, green);}"
"<script type='text/javascript'>";

const char html3[] PROGMEM =
"function ResetWebpage(){ if (window.location.href != 'http://#IPADDRESS/'){ ('http://#IPADDRESS/','_self',true) }};" //change the website value here to your static website
"function myFunction(){ document.getElementById('brightnessLevel').submit();}</script>"
"<body onload='ResetWebpage()'><table><tr><td width='100'><div class='TGT00'></div></td><td><a class='bt red' href='/L00?v=1'>Red</a></td><td><a class='bt colorWipe' href='/L01?v=1'>Color Wipe</a></td><td><div class='TGT01'></div></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><div class='TGT02'></div></td><td><a class='bt green' href='/L02?v=1'>Green</a></td><td><a class='bt theatreChase' href='/L03?v=1'>Theatre Chase</a></td><td><div class='TGT03'></div></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><div class='TGT04'></div></td><td><a class='bt blue' href='/L04?v=1'>Blue</a></td><td><a class='bt rainbow' href='/L05?v=1'>Rainbow</a></td><td><div class='TGT05'></div></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><div class='TGT06'></div></td><td><a class='bt white' href='/L06?v=1'>White</a></td><td><a class='bt rainbowChase' href='/L07?v=1'>Rainbow Chase</a></td><td><div class='TGT07'></div></td></tr>";

const char html4[] PROGMEM =
"<tr><td><div class='TGT08'></div></td><td><a class='bt cylon' href='/L08?v=1'>Cylon Chaser</a></td><td><a class='bt rainbowCycle' href='/L09?v=1'>Rainbow Cycle</a></td><td><div class='TGT09'></div></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><div class='TGT10'></div></td><td><a class='bt breathe' href='/L10?v=1'>Breathe</a></td><td><a class='bt heartbeat' href='/L11?v=1'>Heartbeat</a></td><td><div class='TGT11'></div></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><div class='TGT12'></div></td><td><a class='bt XMAS' href='/L12?v=1'>Christmas</a></td><td><a class='bt ALL' href='/L13?v=1'>Cycle ALL</a></td><td><div class='TGT13'></div></td></tr>"
"<tr><td><div class='TGT14'></div></td><td><a class='bt off' href='/L14?v=1'>Off</a></td><td><form id='brightnessLevel'><input type='range' name='bright' max='255' min='0' value='#BRIGHT' onchange='myFunction()' class='bt off'></form></td></tr>"

String sendHtml3 = html3;//create a string version of the html3 to sub values into
String sendHtml4 = html4;//create a string version of the html4 to sub values into
String currentLine; //string returned by the client connected
boolean NeoState[] = {false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, false, true}; //Active Neopixel Function (off by default)

int neopixMode = 0; //sets a mode to run each of the functions
long previousMillis = 0; // a long value to store the millis()
long lastAllCycle = 0; // last cycle in the ALL() function
long previousColorMillis = 0; // timer for the last color change
int i = 0; //sets the pixel number in newTheatreChase() and newColorWipe()
int CWColor = 0; //sets the newColorWipe() color value 0=Red, 1=Green, 2=Blue
int j; //sets the pixel to skip in newTheatreChase() and newTheatreChaseRainbow()
int cycle = 0;//sets the cycle number in newTheatreChase()
int TCColor = 0;//sets the color in newTheatreChase()
int l = 0; //sets the color value to send to Wheel in newTheatreChaseRainbow() and newRainbow()
int m = 0; //sets the color value in newRainbowCycle()
int n = 2; //sets the pixel number in cyclonChaser()
int breather = 0; //sets the brightness value in breather()
boolean dir = true; //sets the direction in breather()-breathing in or out, and cylonChaser()-left or right
boolean beat = true; //sets the beat cycle in heartbeat()
int beats = 0; //sets the beat number in heartbeat()
int brightness = 150; //sets the default brightness value
int o = 0; //christmas LED value
int q = 5; // values for the All() function
uint32_t lastAllColor = 0; // last color displayed in the All() function

void setup() {
  pixels.begin(); //starts the neopixels
  pixels.setBrightness(brightness); // sets the inital brightness of the neopixels
  writeLEDS(0, 0, 0); //sets all the pixels to off
  // Connect to WPA/WPA2 network. Change this line if using open or WEP network:
  Serial.print(F("Creating Network named: "));
  Serial.println(ssid);                   // print the network name (SSID);
   if (WiFi.status() == WL_NO_SHIELD) {
    Serial.println(F("WiFi shield not present"));
    while(true);  // don't continue
  WiFi.config(apIP);  //Sets IP address to static.  Comment out if not needed (not yet working in AP mode)
  //WiFi.config(apIP, dns, gw, netMsk); //not yet working in AP mode
  while ( status != WL_CONNECTED) {
    for (int x = 0; x <= wifiRetryTimes; x++)
      Serial.print(F("Attempting to connect to Network named: "));
      Serial.println(ssid);                   // print the network name (SSID);

      // Connect to WPA/WPA2 network. Change this line if using open or WEP network:
      status = WiFi.begin(ssid, pass);
      // wait 10 seconds for connection:
    Serial.print(F("Could not Connect to Wifi"));
    status = WiFi.beginAP(APssid);//create an AP - IP is currently static to
    //status = WiFi.beginAP(APssid, APpass);
  sendHtml3.replace("#IPADDRESS", IP);      //replace the IP address in the original html with that of the device
  sendHtml4.replace("#BRIGHT", "150");     //replace the brightness value with a numerical value
  Serial.println(F("USP Server started!!"));
  Serial.println(F("HTTP server started!!"));

void loop() {
  WiFiClient client = server.available();   // listen for incoming clients
  if (client) {
    Serial.println(F("new client"));           // print a message out the serial port
    currentLine = "";                // make a String to hold incoming data from the client
    while (client.connected()) {            // loop while the client's connected
      if (client.available()) {             // if there's bytes to read from the client,
        char c =;             // read a byte, then
        Serial.write(c);                    // print it out the serial monitor
        if (c == '\n') {                    // if the byte is a newline character

          // if the current line is blank, you got two newline characters in a row.
          // that's the end of the client HTTP request, so send a response:
          if (currentLine.length() == 0) {
            // HTTP headers always start with a response code (e.g. HTTP/1.1 200 OK)
            // and a content-type so the client knows what's coming, then a blank line:
            client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
            client.print(F(html1));//send the html part1
            client.print(F(html2));//send the html part2
            client.print(sendHtml3);//send the modified html part3
            client.print(sendHtml4);//send the modified html part4
          else {      // if you got a newline, then clear currentLine:
            if (currentLine.indexOf("Referer") < 0) {//so long as Referer is not in the returned value
              if (currentLine.indexOf("/L00") > 0) {//if /L00 is present in the string
                handle_L00();//run the function
              if (currentLine.indexOf("/L01") > 0) {//same as above
              if (currentLine.indexOf("/L02") > 0) {
              if (currentLine.indexOf("/L03") > 0) {
              if (currentLine.indexOf("/L04") > 0) {
              if (currentLine.indexOf("/L05") > 0) {
              if (currentLine.indexOf("/L06") > 0) {
              if (currentLine.indexOf("/L07") > 0) {
              if (currentLine.indexOf("/L08") > 0) {
              if (currentLine.indexOf("/L09") > 0) {
              if (currentLine.indexOf("/L10") > 0) {
              if (currentLine.indexOf("/L11") > 0) {
              if (currentLine.indexOf("/L12") > 0) {
              if (currentLine.indexOf("/L13") > 0) {
              if (currentLine.indexOf("/L14") > 0) {
              if (currentLine.indexOf("bright") > 0) {
            currentLine = "";//clear the string
        else if (c != '\r') {    // if you got anything else but a carriage return character,
          currentLine += c;      // add it to the end of the currentLine
        if (currentLine.endsWith("/generate_204")) {
    // close the connection:
    Serial.println(F("client disconnected"));
  NeoPixModes();//run the NeoPixModes function

void handleNotFound() {
  //possible addition

void handle_root() {//handle what happens to the root page
  String brightString = String(brightness);//tirn the brightness int into a string to put into the HTML
  sendHtml3 = html3;//copy the original html3 into a string to replace values
  sendHtml4 = html4;//copy the original html4 into a string to replace values
  sendHtml3.replace("#IPADDRESS", IP);
  sendHtml3.replace("TGT00", NeoState[0] ? "y" : "b");
  sendHtml3.replace("TGT01", NeoState[1] ? "y" : "b");
  sendHtml3.replace("TGT02", NeoState[2] ? "y" : "b");
  sendHtml3.replace("TGT03", NeoState[3] ? "y" : "b");
  sendHtml3.replace("TGT04", NeoState[4] ? "y" : "b");
  sendHtml3.replace("TGT05", NeoState[5] ? "y" : "b");
  sendHtml3.replace("TGT06", NeoState[6] ? "y" : "b");
  sendHtml3.replace("TGT07", NeoState[7] ? "y" : "b");
  sendHtml4.replace("TGT08", NeoState[8] ? "y" : "b");
  sendHtml4.replace("TGT09", NeoState[9] ? "y" : "b");
  sendHtml4.replace("TGT10", NeoState[10] ? "y" : "b");
  sendHtml4.replace("TGT11", NeoState[11] ? "y" : "b");
  sendHtml4.replace("TGT12", NeoState[12] ? "y" : "b");
  sendHtml4.replace("TGT13", NeoState[13] ? "y" : "b");
  sendHtml4.replace("TGT14", NeoState[14] ? "y" : "b");
  sendHtml4.replace("#BRIGHT", brightString);
  Serial.print("Brightness: ");
  Serial.print(" | brightString: ");
void handle_L00() {
void handle_L01() {
void handle_L02() {
void handle_L03() {
void handle_L04() {
void handle_L05() {
void handle_L06() {
void handle_L07() {
void handle_L08() {
void handle_L09() {
void handle_L10() {
void handle_L11() {
void handle_L12() {
void handle_L13() {
void handle_L14() {

void handle_bright()
  int brightCharNum = (currentLine.indexOf("=") +1);
  brightness = currentLine.substring(brightCharNum).toInt();
  //brightness = server.arg(0).toInt();//changes the argument0 to an int
  Serial.print(F("Brightness set to: "));
  pixels.setBrightness(brightness);//sets it as the global brightness;//displays new brightness level
void changeNeoState(int tgt) {
  if (currentLine.indexOf("v") > 0) {
    for (int x = 0; x < sizeof(NeoState); x++)
      NeoState[x] = LOW;
      if (tgt == x)
        NeoState[x] = HIGH;

void printWifiStatus() {
  // print the SSID of the network you're attached to:
  Serial.print("SSID: ");

  // print your WiFi shield's IP address:
  IPAddress ip = WiFi.localIP();
  Serial.print("IP Address: ");

  // print the received signal strength:
  long rssi = WiFi.RSSI();
  Serial.print("signal strength (RSSI):");
  Serial.println(" dBm");
  // print where to go in a browser:
  Serial.print("To see this page in action, open a browser to http://");
  IP = String(ip[0]);
  IP += ".";
  IP += String(ip[1]);
  IP += ".";
  IP += String(ip[2]);
  IP += ".";
  IP += String(ip[3]);

uint32_t Wheel(byte WheelPos)//neopixel wheel function, pick from 256 colors
  WheelPos = 255 - WheelPos;
  if (WheelPos < 85) {
    return pixels.Color(255 - WheelPos * 3, 0, WheelPos * 3);
  if (WheelPos < 170) {
    WheelPos -= 85;
    return pixels.Color(0, WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3);
  WheelPos -= 170;
  return pixels.Color(WheelPos * 3, 255 - WheelPos * 3, 0);
void writeLEDS(byte R, byte G, byte B)//basic write colors to the neopixels with RGB values
  for (int i = 0; i < pixels.numPixels(); i ++)
    pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(R, G, B));
void writeLEDS(byte R, byte G, byte B, byte bright)//same as above with brightness added
  float fR = (R / 255) * bright;
  float fG = (G / 255) * bright;
  float fB = (B / 255) * bright;
  for (int i = 0; i < pixels.numPixels(); i ++)
    pixels.setPixelColor(i, pixels.Color(R, G, B));
void writeLEDS(byte R, byte G, byte B, byte bright, byte LED)// same as above only with individual LEDS
  float fR = (R / 255) * bright;
  float fG = (G / 255) * bright;
  float fB = (B / 255) * bright;
  pixels.setPixelColor(LED, pixels.Color(R, G, B));;
unsigned int RGBValue(const char * s)//converts the value to an RGB value
  unsigned int result = 0;
  int c ;
  if ('0' == *s && 'x' == *(s + 1)) {
    s += 2;
    while (*s) {
      result = result << 4;
      if (c = (*s - '0'), (c >= 0 && c <= 9)) result |= c;
      else if (c = (*s - 'A'), (c >= 0 && c <= 5)) result |= (c + 10);
      else if (c = (*s - 'a'), (c >= 0 && c <= 5)) result |= (c + 10);
      else break;
  return result;

uint8_t splitColor ( uint32_t c, char value )
  switch ( value ) {
    case 'r': return (uint8_t)(c >> 16);
    case 'g': return (uint8_t)(c >>  8);
    case 'b': return (uint8_t)(c >>  0);
    default:  return 0;
void NeoPixModes()
  if (NeoState[0]){
    writeLEDS(255, 0, 0);//write RED to all pixels
  else if (NeoState[1])
  else if (NeoState[2])
    writeLEDS(0, 255, 0);//write GREEN to all pixels
  else if (NeoState[3])
  else if (NeoState[4])
    writeLEDS(0, 0, 255);//write BLUE to all pixels
  else if (NeoState[5])
  else if (NeoState[6])
    writeLEDS(255, 255, 255);
  else if (NeoState[7])
  else if (NeoState[8])
  else if (NeoState[9])
  else if (NeoState[10])
  else if (NeoState[11])
  else if (NeoState[12])
  else if (NeoState[13])
  else if (NeoState[14])
    writeLEDS(0, 0, 0); //sets all the pixels to off;


void ALL()
  if (millis() - lastAllCycle > 60000)
    q ++;
    if ((q < 5) || (q > 14))
      q = 5;

    lastAllCycle = millis();
  if (q == 5) // if the option has been selected keep running the function for that option
  if (q == 6)
  if (q == 7)
  if (q == 8)
  if (q == 9)
  if (q == 10)
  if (q == 11)
  if (q == 12)
  if (q == 13)
void colorCycler()
  if (millis() - previousColorMillis > interval)
    lastColor ++;
    if (lastColor > 255)
      lastColor = 0;
    uint32_t newColor = Wheel(lastColor);
    activeColor[0] = splitColor(newColor, 'r');
    activeColor[1] = splitColor(newColor, 'g');
    activeColor[2] = splitColor(newColor, 'b');
    previousColorMillis = millis();
void christmasChase()
  if (millis() - previousMillis > interval * 10)//if the time between the function being last run is greater than intervel * 2 - run it
    for (int q = 0; q < NUMPIXELS + 4; q ++)
      pixels.setPixelColor(q, pixels.Color(255, 0, 0));
    if (o < 4)
      for (int p = o; p < NUMPIXELS + 4; p = p + 4)
        if (p == 0)
          pixels.setPixelColor(p, pixels.Color(0, 255, 0));
        else if ((p > 0) && (p < NUMPIXELS + 4 ))
          pixels.setPixelColor(p, pixels.Color(0, 255, 0));
          pixels.setPixelColor(p - 1, pixels.Color(0, 255, 0));
        if ( (p == 2) && (NUMPIXELS % 4) == 2) {
          pixels.setPixelColor(NUMPIXELS - 1, pixels.Color(0, 255, 0));
    if (o >= 4)
      o = 0;
    previousMillis = millis();
void heartbeat()
#if defined DEBUG
  Serial.println(millis() - previousMillis);
  if (millis() - previousMillis > interval * 2)//if the time between the function being last run is greater than intervel * 2 - run it
    if ((beat == true) && (beats == 0) && (millis() - previousMillis > interval * 7)) //if the beat is on and it's the first beat (beats==0) and the time between them is enough
      for (int h = 50; h <= 255; h = h + 15)//turn on the pixels at 50 and bring it up to 255 in 15 level increments
        writeLEDS((activeColor[0] / 255) * h, (activeColor[1] / 255) * h, (activeColor[2] / 255) * h);
      beat = false;//sets the next beat to off
      previousMillis = millis();//starts the timer again

    else if ((beat == false) && (beats == 0))//if the beat is off and the beat cycle is still in the first beat
      for (int h = 255; h >= 0; h = h - 15)//turn off the pixels
        writeLEDS((activeColor[0] / 255) * h, (activeColor[1] / 255) * h, (activeColor[2] / 255) * h);
      beat = true;//sets the beat to On
      beats = 1;//sets the next beat to the second beat
      previousMillis = millis();
    else if ((beat == true) && (beats == 1) && (millis() - previousMillis > interval * 2))//if the beat is on and it's the second beat and the interval is enough
      for (int h = 50; h <= 255; h = h + 15)
        writeLEDS((activeColor[0] / 255) * h, (activeColor[1] / 255) * h, (activeColor[2] / 255) * h); //turn on the pixels
      beat = false;//sets the next beat to off
      previousMillis = millis();
    else if ((beat == false) && (beats == 1))//if the beat is off and it's the second beat
      for (int h = 255; h >= 0; h = h - 15)
        writeLEDS((activeColor[0] / 255) * h, (activeColor[1] / 255) * h, (activeColor[2] / 255) * h); //turn off the pixels
      beat = true;//sets the next beat to on
      beats = 0;//starts the sequence again
      previousMillis = millis();
#if defined DEBUG
void breathing()
  if (millis() - previousMillis > interval * 2) //if the timer has reached its delay value
    writeLEDS((activeColor[0] / 255) * breather, (activeColor[1] / 255) * breather, (activeColor[2] / 255) * breather); //write the leds to the color and brightness level
    if (dir == true)//if the lights are coming on
      if (breather < 255)//once the value is less than 255
        breather = breather + 15;//adds 15 to the brightness level for the next time
      else if (breather >= 255)//if the brightness is greater or equal to 255
        dir = false;//sets the direction to false
    if (dir == false)//if the lights are going off
      if (breather > 0)
        breather = breather - 15;//takes 15 away from the brightness level
      else if (breather <= 0)//if the brightness level is nothing
        dir = true;//changes the direction again to on
    previousMillis = millis();
void cylonChaser()
  if (millis() - previousMillis > interval * 2 / 3)
    for (int h = 0; h < pixels.numPixels(); h++)
      pixels.setPixelColor(h, 0);//sets all pixels to off
    if (pixels.numPixels() <= 10)//if the number of pixels in the strip is 10 or less only activate 3 leds in the strip
      pixels.setPixelColor(n, pixels.Color(activeColor[0], activeColor[1], activeColor[2]));//sets the main pixel to full brightness
      pixels.setPixelColor(n + 1, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 50)); //sets the surrounding pixels brightness to 50
      pixels.setPixelColor(n - 1, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 50));
      if (dir == true)//if the pixels are going up in value
        if (n <  (pixels.numPixels() - 1))//if the pixels are moving forward and havent reach the end of the strip "-1" to allow for the surrounding pixels
          n++;//increase N ie move one more forward the next time
        else if (n >= (pixels.numPixels() - 1))//if the pixels have reached the end of the strip
          dir = false;//change the direction
      if (dir == false)//if the pixels are going down in value
        if (n > 1)//if the pixel number is greater than 1 (to allow for the surrounding pixels)
          n--; //decrease the active pixel number
        else if (n <= 1)//if the pixel number has reached 1
          dir = true;//change the direction
    if ((pixels.numPixels() > 10) && (pixels.numPixels() <= 20))//if there are between 11 and 20 pixels in the strip add 2 pixels on either side of the main pixel
      pixels.setPixelColor(n, pixels.Color(activeColor[0], activeColor[1], activeColor[2]));//same as above only with 2 pixels either side
      pixels.setPixelColor(n + 1, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 150, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 150, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 150));
      pixels.setPixelColor(n + 2, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 50));
      pixels.setPixelColor(n - 1, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 150, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 150, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 150));
      pixels.setPixelColor(n - 2, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 50));
      if (dir == true)
        if (n <  (pixels.numPixels() - 2))
        else if (n >= (pixels.numPixels() - 2))
          dir = false;
      if (dir == false)
        if (n > 2)
        else if (n <= 2)
          dir = true;
    if (pixels.numPixels() > 20)//if there are more than 20 pixels in the strip add 3 pixels either side of the main pixel
      pixels.setPixelColor(n, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 255, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 255, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 255));
      pixels.setPixelColor(n + 1, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 150, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 150, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 150));
      pixels.setPixelColor(n + 2, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 100, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 100, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 100));
      pixels.setPixelColor(n + 3, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 50));
      pixels.setPixelColor(n - 1, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 150, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 150, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 150));
      pixels.setPixelColor(n - 2, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 100, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 100, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 100));
      pixels.setPixelColor(n - 3, pixels.Color((activeColor[0] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[1] / 255) * 50, (activeColor[2] / 255) * 50));
      if (dir == true)
        if (n <  (pixels.numPixels() - 3))
        else if (n >= (pixels.numPixels() - 3))
          dir = false;
      if (dir == false)
        if (n > 3)
        else if (n <= 3)
          dir = true;
    };//show the pixels
    previousMillis = millis();
void newTheatreChaseRainbow()
  if (millis() - previousMillis > interval * 2)
    for (int h = 0; h < pixels.numPixels(); h = h + 3) {
      pixels.setPixelColor(h + (j - 1), 0);    //turn every third pixel off from the last cycle
      pixels.setPixelColor(NUMPIXELS - 1, 0);
    for (int h = 0; h < pixels.numPixels(); h = h + 3)
      pixels.setPixelColor(h + j, Wheel( ( h + l) % 255));//turn every third pixel on and cycle the color
    if (j >= 3)
      j = 0;
    if (l >= 256)
      l = 0;
    previousMillis = millis();
void newRainbowCycle()
  if (millis() - previousMillis > interval * 2)
    for (int h = 0; h < pixels.numPixels(); h++)
      pixels.setPixelColor(h, Wheel(((h * 256 / pixels.numPixels()) + m) & 255));
    if (m >= 256 * 5)
      m = 0;;
    previousMillis = millis();
void newRainbow()
  if (millis() - previousMillis > interval * 2)
    for (int h = 0; h < pixels.numPixels(); h++)
      pixels.setPixelColor(h, Wheel((h + l) & 255));
    if (l >= 256)
      l = 0;;
    previousMillis = millis();
void newTheatreChase()
  if (millis() - previousMillis > interval * 2)
    uint32_t color;
    int k = j - 3;
    j = i;
    while (k >= 0)
      pixels.setPixelColor(k, 0);
      k = k - 3;
    if (TCColor == 0)
      color = pixels.Color(255, 0, 0);
    else if (TCColor == 1)
      color = pixels.Color(0, 255, 0);
    else if (TCColor == 2)
      color = pixels.Color(0, 0, 255);
    else if (TCColor == 3)
      color = pixels.Color(255, 255, 255);
    while (j < NUMPIXELS)
      pixels.setPixelColor(j, color);
      j = j + 3;
    if (cycle == 10)
      TCColor ++;
      cycle = 0;
      if (TCColor == 4)
        TCColor = 0;
    if (i >= 3)
      i = 0;
      cycle ++;
    previousMillis = millis();
void newColorWipe()
  if (millis() - previousMillis > interval * 2)
    uint32_t color;
    if (CWColor == 0)
      color = pixels.Color(255, 0, 0);
    else if (CWColor == 1)
      color = pixels.Color(0, 255, 0);
    else if (CWColor == 2)
      color = pixels.Color(0, 0, 255);
    pixels.setPixelColor(i, color);;
    if (i == NUMPIXELS)
      i = 0;
      if (CWColor == 3)
        CWColor = 0;
    previousMillis = millis();

Source : Arduino MKR1000/Zero Neopixel Throwie

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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