Sending and Receiving String via UDP using Arduino

In this example, you will use your Ethernet Shield and your Arduino to send and receive text strings via the UDP protocol (Universal Datagram Packet). You’ll need another device to send to and from. The Processing sketch included at the end of the code will send to and receive from your Arduino running this example.

Sending and Receiving String via UDP using Arduino


The Ethernet shield allows you to connect a WizNet Ethernet controller to the Arduino via the SPI bus. It uses pins 10, 11, 12, and 13 for the SPI connection to the WizNet. Later models of the Ethernet shield also have an SD Card on board. Digital pin 4 is used to control the slave select pin on the SD card.

The shield should be connected to a network with an ethernet cable. You will need to change the network settings in the program to correspond to your network.

image developed using Fritzing. For more circuit examples, see the Fritzing project page

In the above image, your Arduino would be stacked below the Ethernet shield.


Sending and Receiving String via UDP using Arduino Schematic


This sketch receives UDP message strings, prints them to the serial port
and sends an "acknowledge" string back to the sender

A Processing sketch is included at the end of file that can be used to send
and received messages for testing with a computer.

created 21 Aug 2010
by Michael Margolis

This code is in the public domain.
Major Components in Project

Hardware Required

  • Arduino Ethernet Shield
  • Shield-compatible Arduino board

For more detail: Sending and Receiving String via UDP using Arduino

About The Author

Ibrar Ayyub

I am an experienced technical writer holding a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan, Pakistan University. With a background spanning various industries, particularly in home automation and engineering, I have honed my skills in crafting clear and concise content. Proficient in leveraging infographics and diagrams, I strive to simplify complex concepts for readers. My strength lies in thorough research and presenting information in a structured and logical format.

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