
How To Make a PC Control Robot

How To Make a PC Control Robot

Do you ever tried to control your robot using your PC or laptop? Controlling a robot using PC or laptop is often being a fun for the student or hobbyist. Thus during this article you will be tend to learn how to control your robot using your PC or laptop. Here it is assumed that […]

PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit Community Project042 – Hangman Game

PSoC 4 Pioneer Kit Community Project#042 – Hangman Game

Hello! It has been our Friday tradition for the past few weeks to end with a game. This week we have the Hangman game. In this game the user will be using two Pmod boards, an LCD and Button board to display outputs and generate inputs for the system. The user will be presented with […]

Arduino big crane game

Build a big crane game using Arduino

How to build a whole room crane game.  Based on the arcade style ‘Crane Game’ or ‘Claw Machine’.  This is a continuation of a previus instructable titled CRANE GAME in which we built a 2-axis crane game in a door frame.  We have now added a third axis and wireless control.  And made it big. A few technical and functional improvements: […]

Battery powered device hardware design tips

Battery powered device hardware design tips

I’m working on a prototype product(Wifi motion sensor) that will be powered from a battery source, it has a mega328(arduino bootloader, with sleep mode on and wake on interrupt,and WDT in case it hangs up), a PIR motion sensor , and a CC3000 break out board. Power saving is done in software, but what type […]

Accelerometer powered LED dress

Accelerometer powered LED dress

Let’s be honest for a moment, doesn’t everyone want a dress that lights up at your very whim? No? Alright, well I do. It’s pretty straightforward, though the programming gets a wee bit tricky. So pick up your pencil, sketch out a design and then we’ll talk parts.Here Step 1: Material [box color=”#985D00″ bg=”#FFF8CB” font=”verdana” fontsize=”14 […]



In this tutorial you will learn how to turn any conductive surface into a capacitive touch sensor. This project illustrates how to use capacitive touch to turn on a motor (fan) and neopixel. In this example, all of the components were custom designed and built specifically for this application. Since this method can be used […]

Digital thermometer using arduino

Digital thermometer using arduino

Digital thermometer using arduino and LM35. This article is about a simple three digit digital thermometer using arduino. Range of this thermometer is from 0°C to 99.9°C. There is also a provision for displaying the temperature in °F scale. Three terminal analog temperature sensor LM35 is used as the sensor here. LM35 can measure temperatures […]

Arduino sound noise machines

Making sound (noise) machines using Arduino

As a part of being an artist in residence at Instructables, I took it upon myself to build of couple of noise machines / music boxes. My interest lies in designing objects that would enable people to explore the world of sound synthesis and for me to get a better understanding on how the different […]

Arduino powered voltmeter and temp gauge

Arduino powered voltmeter and temp gauge

For a while I have been looking for a way of getting a reading of main and leisure battery voltage, and inside and outside temperature in the van. I spent ages on researching and found some bits here and there that might help, but nothing to do the whoe job, and nothing really satisfactory, until […]

Play Music using Arduino Esplora

Play Music using Arduino Esplora

This example shows how to play notes on the buzzer mounted on the Arduino Esplora. Buzzers can generate different audio signals in audible frequency ranges. A note is an audio signal at a specific frequency. If you know the frequency of the notes you want to play, you can start to compose a melody. In […]

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