I’m working together with my wife. But sometimes one of us has an external appointment.
So, if one of us is thinking about the other, we want to show it together.
For this, I have made an Love Gauge for us.
It stands on our desktop, or you can carry it somewhere else, cause it has an WLAN module.
If one of us thinking of the other, you can open the website and move the pointer to an message. The pointer of the Love Gauge on the desktop is moving to the message, and you know the other is thinking of you.
If you want to build it you need an internetserver, an servo and an Arduino with network shield. I used an reaDIYmate board with WLAN.
Step 1: Design
I have made an sketch with CorelDraw for the wooden parts and the background for the remote control program.
We have engrave and cut the wooden parts with an laser.
Step 2: Fix the servo
Now you put the servo inside the scale. It is an small cheap servo, cause the pointer is very light.
I fixed it with an sticky tape and two screws.
Step 3: Fix the pointer
First you need to set the servo with an computer to 90° and switch it of.
The diameter of the hole in the pointer is so small that you don’t need an screw to fix it. You can just press it on in the vertical position.
For more detail: Love Gauge Using Arduino