At cars, chip-tuning usually results in a higher power of a motor. Even the new communication module (transceiver) TR72D from IQRF has passed such „chip-tuning“ of RF portion, resulting in a higher max. RF output (up to 12mW). New RF chip – Spirit1, used at TR72D also provides excellent sensitivity and GMSK modulation (Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying) with high resistance to interference. That´s why the new module is able to transfer data at much higher distance than previous types (up to 600m on a free space). This improvement has one limitation – the new module is usable with applications originally developed for previous types, but it´s not usable in one RF network simultaneously with older types (because of a different modulation).
Basically the new module TR72D offers the same straightforward development of devices with a wireless communication as previous modules. The best idea about differences among particular types will give you the attached table. TR72D is a hot novelty from which we have first engineering samples. Version „DAx“ also contains built-in antenna.
Features of IQRF technology, description of the development environment and other features can be found in a record of our webinar Wireless MESH networks without programming.
In case of interest in any IQRF product, please contact us at
For More Details: IQRF module TR72D communicates at up to 600m distance