CircuitPython is a branch of MicroPhython designed to simplify education and experimentation on low-cost microcontrollers to make it easy to prototype without any upfront desktop software downloads. With CircuitPython, you can write clean and simple Python code to control your hardware instead of using complex low-level languages like C or C ++.

While we have seen several boards developed with Adafruits’ CircuitPython support, the new CircuitBrains Deluxe powered by Microchip SAMD51 seems to be one with a little difference. The CircuitBrains Deluxe, a tiny CircuitPython – compatible ARM Cortex – M4 Module is a 48-pin castellated pad module designed for easy implementation of CircuitPython in maker projects or smooth integration into space-constrained products without the bulk of a large breakout board. Preloaded with a fork of MicroPython, the CircuitBrains Deluxe has other advantages besides being smaller in size when compared with larger CircuitPython compatible boards like Adafruit Metro M4, Adafruit Feather M4 Express or the Sparkfun Thing Plus. The board exposes more I / O pins and has more SPI flash storage memory against the usual 2MB to 4 MB of other boards.

Features and specifications of the board include:

  • Board Dimensions: 29 x 29 x 3.5 mm (1.15 x 1.15 x 0.15 inches)
  • 32-bit ARM Cortex M4 microcontroller – Atmel ATSAMD51J19 –  at 120 MHz, 512KB Flash and 192KB SRAM
  • 8 MB SPI Flash storage capacity
  • Pin Breakout for SPI, UART, and I2C
  • Debug / SWD programming interface
  • Pin Breakouts for Inputs / Outputs – 19 Digital and 13 Analog
  • LEDs for Power and Status
  • 5v supply voltage power supply
  • Onboard 3.3 V LDO regulator connected to 3V3 pin

Apparently, since rolling your own microcontroller board can be time-consuming, using CircuitBrains Deluxe in your projects should help save some time and frustration. With CircuitPython support, the CircuitBrains Deluxe when connected over USB opens up the serial console and storage to allow you to modify the codes and see the results immediately after the changes are saved.


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