About: Ibrar Ayyub

Author Bio: I am an experienced technical writer with a background in computer science. I hold a Master's degree in computer science from BZU Multan University, one of the most reputable universities in Pakistan for computer science education. With my advanced degree and extensive experience in the field, I have a deep understanding of various computer science concepts and technologies. In addition to my expertise in computer science, I have a diverse range of experience in technical writing. I have written for various industries, covering a wide range of topics, including engineering, home automation, and more. My ability to communicate complex technical information in a clear and concise manner has made me a valuable asset to many organizations. My writing style is characterized by its clarity and simplicity. I am able to break down complex concepts and explain them in a way that is easy to understand for readers with different levels of technical knowledge. I am also skilled in using various forms of media, such as infographics and diagrams, to make my writing more engaging and interactive. I have a special interest and expertise in home automation and engineering; I have written several articles and research papers on the topic and am well known in the field. My writing on home automation and engineering is informative, accurate, and reliable, providing valuable insights on the latest technologies and trends in the field. Overall, I am an experienced technical writer who can provide valuable insights and information for various fields of life, mainly home automation and engineering. I have the qualifications and experience to write about a wide range of topics, and my writing style is clear, simple, and engaging. I am an asset to any organization that requires technical writing services..
Upwork: upwork.com/freelancers/~0195c6d2cf6594198f
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Posts by Ibrar Ayyub:

Selecting the Right Rigid-Flex PCB Manufacturer: Essential Criteria for Your Project

Posted on: 12 Jul 2024

Designing and conceptualizing an electrical project can be full of challenges, but what’s also quite challenging to handle is finding the right rigid flex PCB manufacturer that will handle your project to bring it to realization. That’s because only very professional rigid flex PCB manufacturers can produce high-quality rigid-flex circuit boards. Some manufacturers may promise […]

Exploring the Fusion of Physical Computing and Creative Expression

Posted on: 01 Jul 2024

What is physical computing? Physical computing involves constructing physical interfaces that interact with the analog world. This entails assembling circuits using microcontrollers, wires, sensors, LEDs, motors, and similar components, which are then controlled by customized software. For example, one might program the software to activate an LED when a photocell sensor detects a light level […]

Random Sensor Project KY-027 Magic Light Cup Module

Posted on: 29 Jun 2024

Sensor Description The KY-027 Magic Light Cup module consists of two boards, each equipped with an LED and a mercury tilt switch. By utilizing PWM to control the LEDs on both modules, you can simulate the visual effect of light “magically” transferring between them when they are tilted, reminiscent of pouring water between cups, which inspired […]

Surveying Altimeter for Water System Design

Posted on: 27 Jun 2024

Project Background Designing a water system necessitates estimating water pressure throughout, often referred to as “head,” which denotes the vertical column of water height producing that pressure. Pump specifications typically detail the head, indicating a pump with 150 feet of head can lift water vertically up to 150 feet. Understanding the system head allows designers […]


Posted on: 25 Jun 2024

1. Introduction As the portable electronics industry has advanced over the years, various requirements have emerged, including longer battery life, smaller and more affordable systems, brighter full-color displays, and increased talk time for cellular phones. The growing demand for power systems has made power consumption a critical concern. To meet these demands, engineers have focused […]

Flex-It: The Ultimate Flex Sensor Showdown

Posted on: 22 Jun 2024

If you and a friend have ever wondered who is better at flexing a flex sensor just right, you can now settle it with Flex-it. Flex-it is my second original project using the SparkFun RedBoard. Flex-It: The Flex Sensor Game The Flex-It is a small game for two players, each equipped with a flex sensor […]

Arduino Sketcher: Drawing with Processing & SparkFun Redboard

Posted on: 20 Jun 2024

This project, dubbed the Arduino Sketcher, is a straightforward device designed for drawing pictures on your computer screen. Utilizing a processing code and the SparkFun Redboard, it simplifies the process of creating digital art. Device Description and Functionality The device consists of four push buttons: red, green, blue, and a neutral button. Each button changes […]

Tweet-O-Temp: Tweeting Temperatures with SparkFun Redboard

Posted on: 18 Jun 2024

The Tweet-O-Temp includes a temperature sensor that continually monitors its surroundings. It operates by measuring the voltage and converting it to degrees Celsius. Since I reside in the United States, where Fahrenheit is commonly used, it also converts the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit. Additionally, the device incorporates an Adafruit GPS breakout module, which continuously […]

System for detecting objects using Arduino

Posted on: 16 Jun 2024

Project Abstract I’ve been exploring the idea of creating a robot using Arduino technology for a while now. This project marks the initial phase of this ongoing hobby endeavor. The aim is to construct an object detection system that can be integrated into a semi-autonomous robot in the future. The system employs an ultrasonic range […]

Analog to Digital Converters: Key to Bridging Analog and Digital Worlds

Posted on: 14 Jun 2024

Analog to Digital Converters (ADCs) are fundamental in modern electronics, playing a crucial role in translating analog signals into digital data that digital systems can process. This conversion is essential across a variety of fields, including medical technology, consumer electronics, industrial automation, and automotive systems. By enabling the integration of real-world analog signals with digital […]

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