About: Bilal

Author Bio: I am a highly skilled and motivated individual with a Master's degree in Computer Science. I have extensive experience in technical writing and a deep understanding of SEO practices. With my excellent communication and technical skills, I am able to effectively convey complex technical concepts to a wide range of audiences. I am dedicated to staying current with industry trends and continue to develop my skills through ongoing learning and professional development opportunities. Whether working on a technical writing project or optimizing a website for search engines, I consistently deliver high-quality work that exceeds expectations. I am a great researcher and am able to present information in a well-organized and logical manner.
Upwork: upwork.com/freelancers/~010bd6da80fa266236
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Posts by Bilal:

Autonomous Arduino air filtration system

Posted on: 07 Feb 2020

If you need to keep your workshop a little tidier and are looking for own easy to build Arduino air filtration system you might be interested in a new project which is activated whenever it hears a machine start-up. Watch the video below to learn more about the automated air filtration system which is based […]

Arduino Robot Catapult

Posted on: 06 Feb 2020

Hello there fellow makers, This instructable is my attempt to make a robot for the ‘ROBOTICS CONTEST’ competition in instructables. So here it is 🙂 I’ll start this instructable with a joke 🙂 Q: what’s the difference between men and boys?A : the price of the toys Having said that, lets make a toy! What […]


Posted on: 04 Feb 2020

While there’s been a lot of advancements in VR gaming over the last couple of years, plenty of folks are still happy enough to just stare at their monitor. But that’s not to say some of those fancy head-tracking tricks wouldn’t be a welcome addition to their repertoire. For players who are literally looking to […]

Temp & Humidity Sensor With LCD Disp & LED Indicator

Posted on: 04 Feb 2020

In this instructable, I have used the DHT11 Temperature & Humidity sensor & Arduino UNO to display the current temperature & humidity readings into a 16 x 2 LCD Display. Alongside, I have also created a 3-LED setup which indicates 3 sets of temperature readings (cold, hot, extreme). The DHT11 is a digital sensor that lets you easily get relative humidity and […]


Posted on: 03 Feb 2020

Going all the way hack to the heady days of Eee PC modding, hardware hackers have been on the hunt for small USB hubs that can easily be liberated from their enclosures and integrated into whatever project they happen to be working on. From time to time you see recommendations out there for makes and […]


Posted on: 03 Feb 2020

The would-be microcontroller experimenter is now faced with a bewildering array of choices when it comes to a tiny development board for their projects. Everything from descendants and clones of the original Arduino through to full-fat Linux powerhouses such as the Raspberry Pi Zero and similar boards can be had, and often for a reasonable […]

Automated Greenhouse

Posted on: 03 Feb 2020

We decided to design a greenhouse as subject for our electronic project. The goal was to regulate the temperature inside the greenhouse thanks a lamp, a servomotor to open a window and a PC fan. We wanted to maintain a quite constant level of soil moisture with a pump and to receive temperature, soil moisture […]

Control LED Using IR Remote : Simple

Posted on: 02 Feb 2020

Hello everyone, In this instructables we will control LED using IR remote. Step 1: Gather the Parts A breadboard A LED A 220ohm resistor An Arduino UNO A TSOP382 IR receiver Some jumper or hookup wires Step 2: Wiring Hookup all the components according to the circuit diagram shown above. Step 3: Receive the IR Signals […]

Arduino Pro IDE v0.0.4-alpha now available

Posted on: 01 Feb 2020

The Arduino development team have today announced the availability of the Arduino Pro IDE v0.0.4-alpha making it available for windows, Mac OS and Linux. The source code is now available to download from the official Arduino GitHub repositorie. The Arduino Pro IDE is being developed to provide Arduino users with a simple, modern web app […]


Posted on: 01 Feb 2020

[Labpacks] wanted to build a robot car controlled by his phone. As a Hackaday reader, of course you probably can imagine building the car. Most could probably even write a phone application to do the control. But do you want to? In most cases, you are better off focusing on what you need to do […]

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