
Programming the Arduino

Programming the Arduino I/O pins

Overview The Arduino Uno is a microcontroller board based on the ATmega328 (datasheet). It has 14 digital input/output pins (of which 6 can be used as PWM outputs), 6 analog inputs, a 16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USB connection, a power jack, an ICSP header, and a reset button. It contains everything needed to support […]

Arduino Sensors and MIDI

Arduino, Sensors, and MIDI

Now that you’re up to speed on using Arduino’s inputs and outputs, this Instructable will give you everything you need to get started using sensors to trigger MIDI notes from Arduino. This post is the last installment in a series of workshops I led at Women’s Audio Mission. The first two classes are Intro to […]

Stripboard Arduino

Stripboard Arduino

In this, my first Instructable I’m going to show you how to make a stripped down Arduino for a fraction of the price, using Stripboard/Veroboard. Material List: 1x Atmel ATMega168 = �2.65 1x Stipboard = 72p 1x 7805 Voltage regulator = 26p 2x LEDs = 16p 2x 220 Ohm resistors = 8p 1x 10k Ohm […]

Control an Arduino With a Wristwatch TI eZ430 Chronos

Control an Arduino With a Wristwatch (TI eZ430 Chronos)

The watch The Texas Instruments eZ430 Chronos is a cool gadget. It has bidirectional radio communication, and a whole bunch of sensors: temperature, pressure, acceleration.In fact, it is a development kit for the MSP 430 (a low-power microcontroller), that TI packaged as a watch (pure genius!), and delivered with plenty of tools. Its firmware can […]

Arduino SuperScope

SuperScope: Circuit Simulation through Arduino-Processing Interface

nto the program where you can physically manipulate them. Arduino tests for the value of the component (a capacitor, inductor, resistor, or waveform of specific frequency) then sends the data to Processing. Imported components can then be plugged into circuit schematics. SuperScope builds upon the mission of Arduino, the interface between hardware and software, analog […]

Improved Simple Wing Shield using arduino

Improved Simple Wing Shield using arduino

Not too long ago, I made my own version of the popular Wing Shield out of some spare parts and scraps of perf board I had laying around. Instead of the screw terminals that the regular wing shield uses, I used some female headers that I soldered to some Arduino stackable header pins. This time […]

Ethernet Arduino compatable controller board

A credit card sized Ethernet Arduino compatable controller board

I love the Arduino as a simple and accessible controller platform for many varied projects.  A few months ago, a purchased an Ethernet shield for my Arduino controller to work on some projects with a mate of mine – it was a massive hit – for the first time, I could control my projects remotely […]

Make Your Own GRBL CNC Pendant

Make Your Own GRBL CNC Pendant

So you just finished your DIY CNC machine, set up GRBL and even cut your first part.  Now what?  Well, did you know that as of GRBL v0.8 there are pinouts some really useful commands such as Cycle Start, Feed Hold and a Soft Reset?  Cycle Start and Feed Hold allow you to literally pause your machine […]

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