
How to Build a LM335 Temperature Sensor

How to Build a LM335 Temperature Sensor Circuit

In this project, we will demonstrate how to build temperature sensor circuit using a LM335 sensor. As a temperature sensor, the circuit will read the temperature of the surrounding environment and relay this temperature to us back in degrees Kelvin. The difference between an LM335 and LM34 and LM35 temperature sensors is the LM335 sensor […]

How to Build a TMP36 Temperature Sensor

How to Build a TMP36 Temperature Sensor Circuit

In this project, we will demonstrate how to build temperature sensor circuit using a TMP36 sensor. As a temperature sensor, the circuit will read the temperature of the surrounding environment and relay the temperature to us back in degrees fahrenheit. The IC we will use to measure the temperature is the TMP36 IC. We will […]

Hard Drive Persistence of Vision HDPOV

Hard Drive Persistence of Vision (HDPOV) using arduino

The platter of a hard drive spins well over sixty times a second. If a narrow slot was cut into the platter to allow LEDs to shine through, we can achieve flicker fusion and trick the eye into seeing a stable image. This phenomenon is known as persistence of vision (POV). There are many examples […]

How to Drive a 7 Segment LED Display with an Arduino

How to Drive a 7 Segment LED Display with an Arduino

In this project, we will show how to drive a single 7 segment LED display with an arduino microcontroller. A 7 Segment LED Display is an electronic device housing 8 individual LEDs. Using this device, we can display all numerals and many alphabetical characters and many more types of symbols. The 7 segment LED is really a […]

Low Cost Water Flow Sensor and Ambient Display

Low Cost Water Flow Sensor and Ambient Display using arduino

Water is a precious resource. Millions of people do not have access to clean drinking water, and as many as 4000 children die from water contaminated illnesses every day. Yet, we continue to be wasteful with our resources. The overarching goal of this project is to motivate more sustainable water use behavior and raise awareness […]

How to Build an RGB Full Color LED Module Circuit1

How to Build an RGB Full Color LED Module Circuit

In this project, we are going to build an RGB Full Color LED module circuit. A full color LED module is a circuit in which an LED can be lit to any color. This is why it is called a full color LED module. By programming the module with a microcontroller, we can program the […]

Control Your Robot Using a Wii Nunchuck and an Arduino

Control Your Robot Using a Wii Nunchuck (and an Arduino) using arduino

After wearing myself out playing Wii Boxing I got to thinking wouldn’t it be great if I could use this to control my robot, (looking to my left hand). Looking around the internet I found a bevy of people doing similar things, (links to everyone just below the video). So what follows is a re-packaging […]

How to Connect and Read a Keypad with an Arduino

How to Connect and Read a Keypad with an Arduino

n this project, we will go over how to integrate a keyboard with an arduino board so that the arduino can read the keys being pressed by a user. Keypads are used in all types of devices, including cell phones, fax machines, microwaves, ovens, door locks, etc. They’re practically everywhere. Tons of electronic devices use […]

Super Simple Beginners Robot using arduino

Super Simple Beginners Robot! using arduino

I created this Instructable for the absolute n00by robot wannabe. I have noticed a huge jump in the number of beginners getting into the hobby and the number of “how do I” questions seem to be mounting. Maybe this humble little Instructable will help one or two create their first robot. You will find basic […]

How to Interface GPS with Arduino

How to Interface GPS with Arduino

Every single location in the entire globe can be specified in terms of geographical coordinates. The geographical coordinate is a system which specifies any given location on the earth surface as latitude and longitude. There are devices which can read the geographical coordinates of a place with the help of the signals received from a […]

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