Arduino Cloud updates for tags, filters, blinks and galleries

The official Arduino development team has this week rolled out new Arduino Cloud updates for tags, filters, blinks and galleries enhancing the workflow of the cloud IDE. Tags introduced a new way to filter your Things based on your custom metadata, templates has also been enhanced further with new broader templates (which support a whole variety of boards; not just the Oplà Kit) we’ve gone right back to the classics.

For an overview of the new updates rolled out to the Arduino Cloud check out the videos embedded below.

“Arduino Cloud updates are like buses! They all come along at once. But that just makes it all the more exciting when we get to tell you about the new things happening in Arduino’s awesome SaaS system. A Thing in Arduino Cloud is a multi-functional entity.

They’re so easy to create it becomes just as easy to overlook everything a Thing can do for your project. So if you’re anything like me, you’re constantly creating new Things for projects, functions, prototypes, experiments and sometimes even just for the fun of it. This can mean your Cloud account can quickly become a bit overrun with these virtual devices. And it’s here that tags come to the rescue.”

Arduino Cloud

“Tags are the foundation for bringing metadata to your Things. You can add as many tags to a Thing as you want, and each one gets a custom value. In our example below, we’ve added a “Location” tag, demonstrating how you can filter multiple solutions that have been deployed in different places.

The Things are assigned the Location tag, and given values based on where they are; New York and Rome, for instance. You can now modify the columns on your Things page to show your custom tags, and then filter the list using the search bar, based on any of these metadata criteria.”

“There’s even more exciting Arduino Cloud news around the corner, but in the meantime give these great new features a test and tell us what you think. If you haven’t got started with Arduino’s IoT Cloud option yet, you can dive in for free by hitting the button below.”

For more information on all the new updates rolled out to the Arduino Cloud to help improve your workflow jump over to the official Arduino website by following the link below.

Source: Arduino Cloud updates for tags, filters, blinks and galleries

About The Author

Muhammad Bilal

I am a highly skilled and motivated individual with a Master's degree in Computer Science. I have extensive experience in technical writing and a deep understanding of SEO practices.

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