Robotics – Automation Projects

Arduino Based Robotic Arm Controlled by Hand Gestures

Arduino-Based Robotic Arm Controlled by Hand Gestures

Introduction Hello everyone, trust you’re doing well. We’re excited to share our latest post on Arduino projects. This article focuses on creating a robot arm controlled by hand gestures using Arduino UNO. To detect hand movements, we’ll utilize four IR sensors positioned in four distinct directions with their sensor heads facing upwards. Feel free to […]

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Fire fighter robot can be used to control the fire

Arduino-Powered Fire Fighter Robot: A Step-by-Step Guide

Hello everyone, welcome back to Techatronic. You might be familiar with the concept of a fire-fighting vehicle. Today, we’re introducing an innovative advancement – the Firefighter Robot. This robot is a machine designed to operate autonomously, hence earning its title as a robot. Our creation is programmed to approach fires and initiate firefighting operations. The

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Hack the Nabaztag using Arduino

Hack the Nabaztag using Arduino

This is a Nabaztag – Armenian, apparently, for “hare”. It’s an adorable bunny rabbit packed with sensors and communication devices…. and it’s completely unusable. There’s people who wrote some interesting software to hack it, and I applaud them: however, I could never actually get my Karotz (Nabaztag’s third incarnation) through the arduous initialization. So, to

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