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Arduino stick

Description Mystick is an innovative hiking stick that promote exploration and allows you to share your hiking experiences and special findings with other users. When picked up by a user, the Mystick already has a predetermined location to which it directs using a compass and GPS to direct LED lights in the direction of the location.

Arduino stick Continue Reading

a dress that gets excited when tweeted

Making the TFF: a dress that gets excited when tweeted

The idea of this dress comes from a series of tweets with online friends @shineslike and @arduinogirl.  @shineslike and I had taken a half day Arduino workshop given by @arduinogirl at the MCN 2011 conference. I was immediately inspired creatively by the sensory and interactive opportunities. Over the next few months I struggled with the electronics

Making the TFF: a dress that gets excited when tweeted Continue Reading

Arduino Earfingers

Earfingers: Hear with your hands using Arduino

First and foremost, I must acknowledge that I am standing on the shoulders of giants, and that every giant is standing on the shoulders of giants (such as all contributors to instructables). If it weren’t for the unknowably many people who had the mindfulness to freely share information, this would have been utterly impossible; I

Earfingers: Hear with your hands using Arduino Continue Reading

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